May our Child hidden Within find our freedom today...Freedom to recover who our child within wants us to be...Freedom to recover our child within just as our Child Within has gained...Freedom to purs…
- We
- The Ten Stage Workshop Quotes
- Are our thought processes really those of a very young child that has high jacked our emotional life?
- Are you ready to take a quantum leap of faith back into childhood ?
- Never forget controlling parenting keeps infants alive – and adults insane.
- Our constructed exterior self is NOT our Child Within.
- The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course.
- The definition of child abuse is simple: whenever the spirit of the child is disrespected the child is abused.
- Ultimately
- We are addicted to dissociation.
- We finally admit that we have a true self our child within that can heal and regain control over our lives
- a spark of the divine.
- anger
- decades ago
- listening to the intuitive mind is a surrender based on the trust of our child within.
- sorrow
- Any program
- At our conception
- At the stages we finally develop the nerve to hold our traumatisers accountable for their actions.
- Avoiding the deepest levels of pain is part of fellowship mentality.
- Child Within Journaling
- Child Withins blocks of pain
- Child within
- For many of us we have become masters of dissociation.
- For our wounded child within
- Good support from us who have come out of trauma.
- Grief in the Stages is not one-dimensional
- Grief is painful
- If we want to be Free we have to open ourself to the unthinkable possibility of full recovery.
- In our recovery we all crave security
- Long ago
- Make no mistake
- Nothing is more powerful than our child within - no planet
- Oh
- Our basic conflicts are ultimately rooted in the traumas we suffer in childhood.
- Our child within always knows what to do to heal itself.
- Our child within has been taught from a young age to seek approval from our parents for the things we said or did.
- Our intuitive voice is the most active and authentic part of who we are.
- Our thinking is of prime import in communicating with our child within.
- Recovery
- Recovery is painful
- Sometimes the truth hits like a bucket of cold water
- Starting to engage in an inner dialogue with the intuitive mind
- The Illusion that leads to addiction explained
- The Ten Stages is turning the world of Addiction Treatment upside down.
- The child within
- The stages serenity dream prayer
- The voice of our child within arises as we learn to see more clearly
- To understand dissociation is to understand the confidence tricks of a soporific society
- Traditional treatment methods often make the survivor of abuse feel re-victimised.
- We are living in a self-traumatising society hell-bent on not looking within.
- We have a core identity our child within
- We have made the decision that life was not worth living
- We re-learn the art of making contact with ourselves to tell the story of our child withins life.
- We remain unconscious of the legacy of dissociation that we carry from our families and ancestors.
- We see the world
- We stay in relationships because we are frightened of being alone…
- We will be sitting there
- When our Child Within is not nurtured or allowed freedom of expression
- When the time is right
- When we become tuned in emotionally to child withins feelings
- When we doubt what we know
- Who you are
- a false or co-dependent self emerges.
- and at times confusingly so
- and despair always want to come up into our mind consciousness
- as from an imaginary dissociated centre?
- but opens the door to healing and growth.
- defensive
- exploring our truth
- fearful and frozen child.
- for the child within
- gaining a trusting environment and propagating consent amongst our students.
- grieving
- is something much grander that what you see when you look in the mirror.
- living
- looking
- no calendar
- no cycle.
- no karma
- not as it is
- not okay.
- of not wanting to be here
- our frustration
- romance in the arms of a lover becomes a fantasy of rescue.
- spluttering we surface as the old gives way to the new.
- stability and peace of mind
- talking to our students
- that overused and often distorted word
- that thinks you can heal without fully exhuming
- the comfort – the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person
- trust and consent
- we are immaculate.
- we are perfect.
- we are perfect. We are born imbued with truth
- we leave others behind.
- when all of a sudden we realise they aren't even listening.
- when we don’t trust ourself
- "Childlikeness" has to be restored with training in the art of self-forgetfulness.
- "The only real valuable thing is our intuition." - Albert Einstein
- "Turn off your mind
- 'false guilt' or shame for events for which we were not responsible.
- (one who has joined The Ten Stages and the child within) are persons who journeys into lifes social wilderness
- 00 mark. One of our largest questions at the ten stages is
- 000 Members
- 000 members and growing
- 000 visitor number
- 100
- 150
- 2016 Updated Thank You
- 2018 is almost here
- 2018 is the year of recovery with the ten stages for you.
- 2019 OUR LIGHTENING UP AND Throwing Back dissociation meditation weekly session.
- A Dissociation Storm
- A Ten Stages Time-Out
- A common misconception about the child within is the idea that it isn’t real
- A common wayward path that many people take with recovery is to assume a façade of normalcy and family conformity.
- A decision is not a decision until you take action.
- A fossil caught in the frozen lava of a volcanic childhood.1
- A gentle process for improving self-worth
- A healthy mind is standard issue
- A journey towards health at The Ten Stages
- A parental ancestor will destroy us if we take too many risks.
- A practice means being open to what is really going on. It changes our experience of the world
- A way we come to recognise the ABSENCE of the Child within is when we feel boredom.
- A way we recognise the ABSENCE of the Child with is when we feel boredom.
- A way we recognise the ABSENCE of the Child within is when we feel boredom.
- AT The Stages we HAVE FUN
- Abuse and disrespect during our childhood creates within us a lost
- Abuse and disrespect has many forms. Expropriating one's childhood in favour of an adults pursuits is one of the subtlest varieties of shadow self creation.
- Acknowledging our child within has a powerful and surprisingly quick result on our recovery
- Acknowledging that there is dissociation
- Acting as an advocate we are propelled into the struggle for justice
- Acting out always catches up with the actor.
- Addiction Overlay is a disorder involving a disturbance of our identity
- Addiction Triggers came unbidden
- Addiction a healthy way out.
- Addiction has caused many of us to become extinct
- Addiction has caused many of us to become extinct and more follow at an alarming rate
- Addiction is
- Addiction is the method of temporary forgetting and hence we begin to understand the repeated circle of addiction.
- Addiction is the way of temporary forgetting and hence we begin to understand the repeated circles of addiction cycle.
- Admitting that the scars of childhood long buried in our unconscious rule our lives today
- Adult de-pression comes from Childhood re-pression.
- Advocacy group
- After a period of time we gain a faith..
- All I want is Peace....If we refuse to change
- All eyes on are on 2018 – and it’s time for life to change.
- All groups can develop a cult mentality over time. Just like the child in the family
- All is well in our world.
- All of Recovery is a giant leap of faith.
- All of life is a giant leap of faith.
- All too often our recovery stages at the ten stages begs us to quit and dissociate.
- All violence stems from adults who have not addressed the wounded child within and instead seek revenge outside.
- Almunecar
- Amazing growth of the Bamboo Gardens Ten Stage Recovery Group.
- An attachment isn't a fact. It is a belief
- An unrecovered person is like a pin cushion to sensory stimulation bombardment that exists all around.
- Anyone who denies we have to be in a major rush to change our lives has his or her head buried in the sand
- Applied Recovery in the ten stages is painful
- Are there rebukes from our childhood that are still ringing in our ears?
- Are we living our life reacting to old traumatic wounds from our childhood?
- Are we still thinking
- Are we trying to “do” our way into peace?
- Are you living your life for others and abandoning your child within in the process?
- Are you living your life reacting to old wounds from your childhood?
- Are you still thinking
- Aren’t we ready to live a self-approved child withins life instead of being an old carbon copy of someone else’s desire for us?
- Argue
- Arriving at the doorway of the ten stages
- As 2016 ends We have to admit that We are ruled by trauma not truth.
- As a child
- As a child within with no-history
- As a student we find that our studies empower us
- As an adult we have lost our connection with the child within.
- As children we needed to acquire a basic birthright of truth.
- As members of a traumatised species
- As our newly discovered intuitive voice manifests
- As outgrown
- As we awaken from the child withins nightmare of despair we begin recovered living.
- As we complete the ten stages we awaken with shock at the devastating impact of our traumatisation
- As we continue with the ten stages we become aware our attitudes and behaviour
- As we engage with the 10 Stage Study we uncover a need for a period of mourning
- As we finish The Ten Stages we have a different philosophy for our life.
- As we grow in our recovery
- As we grow in our studies at the stages
- As we journey forward in the ten stages
- As we journey forward on the studied path that is the ten stages toward full awakening
- As we jump from lover to lover
- As we live out of a false delusion
- As we make headway towards autonomy we find ourselves increasingly vaccinated against falling prey to cult leaders
- As we move forward on our path towards our full recovery
- As we progress the ten stages path we can start to acknowledge our replicated history of betrayal
- As we progress to the 100
- As we recognise that we used to jump from lover to lover
- As we start to study our condition
- As we start to transition from the outer definition that of the shadow self back to our child within
- As we study we come to realise that the past is constantly determining by our present actions
- As young children we begin very early to internalise information that either encourages or discourages our self-disclosure.
- As you’re meditating
- Ask our Child Within to show us how we can belong to ourselves.
- At Christmas
- At THE STAGES the student naturally becomes the person ultimately responsible for his/her own treatment. This is empowering.
- At The Stages we have a different philosophy for our life.
- At The Stages we have a different philosophy for our life. We come to focus on the child within as a living entity.
- At The Stages we the growing face our own vulnerability on a daily basis
- At The Stages we the truly growing face our vulnerability on a daily basis.
- At The Ten Stages we find we are at the crossroads of our old dissociated life and our new life
- At The Ten Stages we have a different philosophy for our life.
- At The Ten Stages we recognise normalising as a dissociative tactic
- At The Ten Stages we with compassion and the tools of our Loving-Kindfulness
- At each significant stage
- At our Birth
- At our core we are perfect
- At the Stages Study Work we gently work with the painful to process of child within contact .
- At the Stages caring for our child within has a powerful and surprisingly quick result
- At the Stages seeing the non-verbal inner realm is a journey back to our child within..
- At the Stages we
- At the Stages we acknowledge that the most important part of our life
- At the Stages we come to realise that we did not bond well or at all with our original caregivers
- At the Stages we do not play the game of letting parents off the hook
- At the Stages we gently mine down to our core
- At the Stages we recognise that dissociative learned behaviour is a result of long-term abuse.
- At the Ten Stages instead of trying to change someone to be the way you want him or her to be.
- At the Ten Stages we bond over your power
- At the Ten Stages we learn that those who have the developed
- At the age of 2 to 3 years old
- At the beginning we refer to this as gentle free-fall launching off our dissociated cliff and growing our wings on the way down.
- At the core of all addictions is abuse. By abuse what we mean is emotional loss in childhood
- At the core of the ten stages is our conception
- At the stages
- At the stages we are building a system that is designed to help dysfunctional addicts to reconnect with themselves
- At the stages we begin to think about it
- At the stages we can go as far as to say that on this planet 'the norm' equals insane.
- At the stages we stop becoming focused on what is best for himself or herself
- At the start of the ten stages’s healing journey
- At the ten stages we do not use others’ lack of healing as an excuse for not healing ourself.
- At the ten stages we have come to the realisation that Life has pulled us in every direction
- At the ten stages we know You were born for a purpose.
- At this stage our inner compass has become damaged.
- At this stage we have to jettison adult parental behaviour and relearn the language of our child within.
- At this time a great weight lifts from us and for the first time we feel free.
- Attention can penetrate the surface layers where it typically resides and fall back into its source
- Automatic dissociation addiction to drugs and alcohol
- Avoiding the deepest levels of pain is part of a fellowship mentality. They replace the depression of the alcoholic with the grandiosity and dissociation of so-called recovery.
- Avoiding the deepest levels of pain is part of a fellowships group mentality.
- Avoiding the deepest levels of pain is part of group mentality.
- Awakening is the dissolution of the unconscious blocks of childhood and the recognition of kindfulness
- BOOM – nice child within is GONE and triggered child within shows up.
- Be not the slave of your own past-plunge into the sublime seas
- Be willing to sacrifice everything that is secondary for our growth in the ten stages
- Because the Ten Stages examines recovery from new perspectives those of a child within be prepared for the haters and the doubters.
- Because we heal through our stage studies
- Becoming reflective in the stages gives us a choice to resist. As our inner light leads us out of the maze of our traumas we access a long-buried recovery kernel
- Becoming awakened to the ten stages is an introduction into a new way of life.
- Becoming honest is a betrayal of all false relationships
- Becoming really comfortable with ourselves doesn’t actually happen until we begin to just sit still on a regular basis.
- Before we accept our values
- Before we even knew who we were.
- Behind every on of our dissociations lurk our unmet needs from childhood.
- Being an alcoholic is no longer a moral issue
- Being given the wonderful opportunity to have the capacity to grieve for the childhood of our child within.
- Being unaware of the ten stages is like being a pin cushion to a sensory stimulation bombardment that exists all around us
- Blocking out conscious awareness of trauma does not mean that we have no effects of that trauma.
- Blogging is a form of mental exercise. I try to let this one take a random walk of curiosities and child-like exploration.
- Bonding over our wounds only in a group therapy
- Born in the North of England practiced worldwide The Ten Stages
- Breaking us from the shackles of the world.
- Bringing truth and compassion into our life in an often difficult environment
- Bustin our bubble we who are dissociated feel we have mastered forgiveness
- Bustin the Bubble: Dissociation is contrary to enlightenment
- Bustin the Bubble: depression
- Busting the bubble we who are dissociated are extremely self-confident.
- But what if we cannot grieve and thus heal our deepest wounds
- By seeing and celebrating another’s child within
- By starting to understand the child within ourselves
- CHILD! Behold! A CHILD WITHIN at last! We broke out of our slavery
- Can groups help a person become recovered?
- Can you make it simple? This is the question asked. The problem is that it is very very simple because its written by a child within.
- Captains of the past who profess spirituality whilst practicing something totally different.
- Cartesianism as the Effect of our Collective Childhood Trauma
- Change happens one day
- Changing our ways in our recovery by joining self help groups.
- Characteristics of Dissociated Adult Children
- Child With-ins prime objective is to become conscious and live in our newly found reality.
- Child Within Dialoguing
- Child Within Study consistently highlights the traumatic underpinnings of our own emotional conflicts
- Child Within false protection of constructed dissociations creating blocks of pain
- Child Within grant us serenity of thought
- Child Withins Limiting Beliefs are formed by neural patterns that are imprinted on to us from birth to age 7:
- Child within Growth means an increase in consciousness and self-awareness
- Child within understanding is a gentle form of probing our consciousness. We have a childhood mystery to solve.
- Child-Within-Expression is a process of gentleness and self-acceptance.
- Childhood fears and ancient coping strategies are cast aside as we realise the baggage we have been carrying
- Childhood trauma in any form violates a child at their core.
- Childhood trauma in any form violates our child within at its core.
- Children Within Us self rule for the abandoned child and what is missing in our lives and the lives of others.
- Children Within are those who are desperate to know their truth
- Children Within are those who are who can realistically appraise their own insanity.
- Children are born into the world with a total right to have all their needs met.
- Children are not supposed to drive
- Children who were abused grow into teens and adults that feel flawed
- Clarifying our suspicions by studying the stages our suspicions were right
- Clearly recognising what is happening inside our child within is our goal
- Coming home to your child within
- Coming out of the numb bubble for the stagers
- Coming out of the numb bubble:
- Coming out of the numb bubble: Before healing we live in such denial of our true feelings that we don’t even feel pain.
- Coming to a realisation to believe that we remain addicted even if we have stopped our behaviours for many years. That our real addiction is to our dissociations escapist behaviour.
- Coming to believe that since there is a perfect child hidden within us
- Coming to the close of one year and starting a New Year we begin to confront our frozen child within
- Coming to the end of a Ten Stage meeting always has a special evolving message and this one started to explain the fear
- Communication is the single most important part of creating a healthy recovery at the ten stages.
- Completing our ten stage tuition reaching out to our child within
- Contacting our Child Within to ground ourselves from the feelings of dissociation.
- Contacting the Child within and studying the best way to our recovery happens when our learning is meaningful
- Cordoba and EL Rocio finally in Isla Cristina and Portugal
- Courage is an essential quality of deep awakening in the ten stages
- Creating a workable solution with our stage guides to map out a clear way to our recovery.
- DAYHAB We use social media the way an alcoholic uses drink.
- DISSY moments in Social Situations when the 'veil' descends over our consciousness
- DISSY moments push us into; Being afraid to live and afraid to die. So many times we find ourselves stuck in the DISSY middle with no way out.
- DISSY switching during our abuse or its triggers.
- Daily Ten Stage Kindfulness Cue
- Dangers of Dissociation
- Dare to be Recovered today !
- Defend
- Denial comes directly from the standard response of any infant to trauma or abuse
- Developing faith in our Child Within helps re-build a good self-concept and prevent further re-development problems.
- Did someone reject us or did our perfect Child Within guide us to an even BETTER solution?
- Disrespect and Abuse during childhood creates within us a lost
- Dissociated behaviours – excessively turning to drugs
- Dissociation Addiction Disorders are a set of learned responses and a failure to complete numerous important developmental tasks.
- Dissociation Hoovers & Hoovering
- Dissociation a healthy way out. To suggest that Dissociation or addiction is a mental illness is to suggest that something has gone wrong in the brain
- Dissociation and the roots of addiction. an urgent read.
- Dissociation being split-off from our deepest truth mimics recovery – but it isn't recovery.
- Dissociation can be seen in you when you want to hide or disappear as if you are a thoroughly bad person.
- Dissociation finally creates addiction and really addiction fails to exist until it is acknowledged as the addict/alcoholic.
- Dissociation flies in the face of pure logic and can appear irrational
- Dissociation has nothing to do with age
- Dissociation has serious implications.
- Dissociation in Recovery an understanding at the stages
- Dissociation is a disorder involving a disturbance of our identity
- Dissociation is a disorder involving a disturbance of our identity in which two or more separate and distinct personality states control our behaviour at different times.
- Dissociation is a powerful method of control
- Dissociation is a primary sickness
- Dissociation is an involuntary human response to stress or trauma that causes the conscious mind to withdraw and turn inward
- Dissociation is being split-off from part or all of our
- Dissociation is highly dangerous in our recovery
- Dissociation is not recovered by human company.
- Dissociation is often seen in our child within .
- Dissociation is part of the way consciousness itself adapts to chronic drug use.
- Dissociation is the disconnection of thoughts and memories from our normal consciousness.
- Dissociation recognition at the stages
- Dissociation within groups (being split-off from one’s deepest truth) mimics enlightenment – but it isn’t enlightenment.
- Dissociations lock our gifts within
- Dissociative Addiction disorders treatment is not like chasing bacteria out of the bloodstream.
- Dissociative addiction disorder (DAD) is neither a personality disorder nor a psychosis.
- Dissociative or "DISSY MOMENTS" occur when we have continuing and repeated episodes of dissociation.
- Distracting ourselves from our suffering
- Disturbing life experiences take place throughout childhood and can include hurtful experiences with parents or peers.
- Do I live on a friendly planet or a hostile planet?
- Do not die partially in vain strapped to an addictive personality forever trapped into a dissociating future!
- Do we mediate our ten stage meditations beautifully?
- Do you disassociate from your pain? Do you avoid it or go into it?
- Do you ever get down on yourself?
- Do you wish to communicate with your child within
- Does this make sense to you? Or do you think we are all just in some kind of denial and that there’s a way of imposing something on others in an enlightened way or not ?
- Don't be trapped by others dogma
- Don't die with our child within locked still inside us.
- Don’t blame ourselves for our rage
- Dream-Work naturally reinforces in us a pattern of listening for the depths of our child within
- Dream-work shows us that we can heal ourself – and that the answers to our child's questions are all within.
- Dreamscape our relationships with others who experience our dissociations are often all about control.
- Drugs and alcohol
- Drugs aren't the driver of addiction
- During our initial first recovery period we suffer a form of Toxic remembrance
- During our study and practice of The Ten Stages we start to understand and get a feeling for our Dissociative symptoms.
- During our whole lives we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for approval to fit in.
- During these "dissy" state of mind
- Dying on the morphine drip of dissociation is dying with poison in our veins.
- Each Child Withins thinking is as unique as the DNA inside them.
- Each time we make a shift towards our child within we choose happiness
- Einstein had the genius to view space and time like a child
- Einstein once said that we have a choice
- Either we want to recover
- Emotional abuse of our child within is defined as any non-physical behaviours or attitudes that are designed to control
- Emotional dumping is a great strategy for avoiding the feeling feelings we are scared to share.
- Emotional growth and mental health -- you cannot change the past
- Emotionally Brutalised by our experiences of dissociation at an early age
- Emotions held by our hidden child within can emerge days
- Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light
- Even though every memory feels like an honest representation
- Even though trauma is triggered by a stressful incident
- Every 30 years or so we experience these gigantic steps forward
- Every Tuesday we are at The Stages Academy in Middlesbrough between 12 till 3 pm. Its completely free
- Every person is born with that intuition
- Everyone at the Stages is fully entitled to be treated with courtesy and respect as a human being
- Everyone has a child within
- Everyone is fully entitled to be treated with courtesy and respect as a human being whatever their current state of mind. The more they are
- Everyone who derives pleasure from humiliating others was himself/herself once trapped in the cycle of humiliation
- Everything is worth sacrificing on the cause to know truth of our child hidden within
- Everything to our child hidden within is the most amazing thing in the world.
- Evolution is no longer about survival of the reproductively fittest.
- Explain yourself.
- Explore New The Ten Stages Post Layout with easy to reach content
- Fear is just a biological response
- Fear is toxic and very fast spreading virus of the mind in our recovery.
- Fear or intense emotions can set in motion heart-pounding
- Fellowships can become manifestations of the worst of the family system.
- Fellowships fear recovered people more than they do the worst criminals.
- Finally
- Finally awakening from the shadow self is our full conscious connection with our core of truth
- First are The Ten Stages then THE PROGRAM
- First stages into the Ten Stages
- Focusing on external circumstances or teachings is not what triggers the moment of recovery
- For The Child Within who follow this course Gas-lighting becomes a major problem and an issue of control by others
- For all of us
- For many of us we are in an unchosen dissociated relationship and its difficult and often traumatising.
- For many of us who have spent years in recovery groups we acknowledge that our inability to heal does not stop our unresolved feelings from needing to express themselves.
- For our wounded child within to come out of long term hiding
- For those of us who are in the process of completing the ten stages and find that we are awakening from the nightmare of traumatic childhoods
- For us to be able to heal he must take responsibility for our child withins wounds.
- Forcing people to do anything
- Forgiveness has never been a tool in our ten stage recovery process
- Friendship with our child within is all important
- From the moment we are born
- GATZO co-meditation
- GATZO is living in our reality at the stages.
- GATZO is the release of our repressed mental repository our full palette of creativity
- Getting to know the symbols of our own unconscious
- Giving up personal control of all these things on this list below.
- Going "No Contact" means cutting off all forms of correspondence
- Going on a violence fast
- Good support from us who have come out of trauma and into the light of the Ten Stage Study Course.
- Good-humoured patience is necessary with our mischievous child within
- Gradually
- Graduation Anthem of The Child Within
- Grateful Flow is a form of meditation. Unlike other forms of meditation it has no religious meaning
- Gratification is contrary to recovery
- Grief in the Stages is not one-dimensional: It manifests as a jumble of intense emotions.
- Grief in the ten Stages and with the hidden child within is not one-dimensional
- Growing into our recovery is not fun. Its consequences may feel wonderful over the long haul
- Growth is the name of the game. It’s what we all crave. It’s what we all want. So no wonder we feel screwed.
- Growth is when we realise the expansive urge for truth at our core.
- Guided Meditations across the North Yorks Moors in a Jeep a modern pilgrims progress | Intuitive Voice Exploration:
- Half way through the course after meditations we will start practising using our newly found intuitive voice
- Happiness is our natural state. Happiness is the natural state of little children
- Happiness is the natural state of our child within
- Have we abandoned ourself to keep someone hidden within
- Have you considered that expansion and growth feel scary in recovery?
- Having a long conversation today our Solution in The Ten Stages is the practice of loving kindness in everyday life came up.
- Having invented ourself
- Here are a few simple suggestions for people who are willing to have an experiment with themselves.
- Honesty attached to Truth
- Honesty is the channel of truth between our Child Within and the intuitive voice.
- Honesty is the channel of truth between recovery and the mind in the ten stages.
- Honesty is the channel of truth between the child within and our mind.
- Honesty is the channel of truth between the child within and the mind in the ten stages.
- Honesty is the only channel of truth between the child within and our mind.
- How can we quiet our mind and tap into the feeling and wisdom of our Child Within today?
- How to avoid becoming dissociated in groups and in our thought process.
- Hurt children hurt people
- Hurt people hurt people—and healed people heal people
- I am powerless to stop myself recovering.
- I am that stranger who has nothing to give you and who is telling you to look inside.
- I can’t think properly
- I don't mind how it goes.
- I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself:
- I have not had a bad childhood and I do not need to revisit my child within are The Ten Stages for me...
- I'm curious - what is your intuitive voice telling you?
- INTULEXIA and The Ten Stages
- INTULEXIA cultivating a mindset of no-thought
- INTULEXIA has certainly endowed our child within a magical new rich environment of truth
- INTULEXIA is the product of The Ten Stages: Intuitive emotional information can come to us in a variety of ways
- INTULEXIA regaining of our childhood voice:
- INTULEXIA using The Ten Stage Voice
- INTULEXIA: Everyone is born hardwired with intuitive abilities
- If as a survivor of our own personal trauma we do not gain awareness and understanding of our traumatic issues
- If we are disconnected from the full truth of our child within we live with a distorted sense of our perspective
- If we are living not from our child within but from a defended
- If we are to open a full discourse with our healed recovered self.
- If we are to survive
- If we can cure the root causes of our addiction then everything will be start to be resolves and we will understand true recovery.
- If we cling to our self-deception and our false comforts and our idealised
- If we do not acknowledge our buried
- If we do not heal our buried
- If we do not recover our buried
- If we do not understand that life is there to challenge us
- If we don't trust our child
- If we don’t allow ourselves to feel and be honest about what’s inside our child within without judgment – we can never really change.
- If we don’t design our own recovery
- If we don’t recover
- If we have enough understanding and love
- If we return to ourself as the child within
- If we scratch just below the façade of recovery the often false confidence and self-assurance and we find people unsure
- If we want to reach our Child Within
- If we were neglected as children
- If you bring forth what is within you
- If you don’t become recovered you will always be spoon-feeding your self some degree of toxic nourishment.
- If you don’t know what the solution is to your circumstance
- If you really wish to understand the child within
- If you're wanting to be of an advantage to others
- If you’re feeling overwhelmed
- If you’ve been feeling stuck
- Illnesses usually become curable once the causes are known.
- Imagine what life would be like if you lived a day
- In Ten Stages Recovery we start to realise
- In The Stages Studies We Learn With A Support Network To Drop The “Old Self”
- In The Ten Stage Courses we are constantly being challenged to perceive the ‘other shadow side’
- In The Ten Stage a separation stage is of crucial importance on the path of awakening to our child within
- In The Ten Stages by listening to
- In The Ten Stages it is easy to revert to old attitudes and behaviour.
- In The Ten Stages respecting Truth
- In a mindful manner we speak and listen to our child within for guidance.
- In a society that denigrates dreams
- In each of us
- In exile
- In fact
- In fact is that human evolution so far occurred without science
- In learning to access the wisdom of the ten stages
- In my heart you are always there You lead me thru the darkness Of painful memories
- In order repair the victimisation of our self and our dissociation it is vital to start setting boundaries with our critical parent voice
- In order to evolve in the stages
- In order to grow into our recovery
- In other places you will see misguided people talking about the inner child this is a travesty of our belief .
- In our child’s withins world
- In our last meeting at The Stages Academy we explored a subject that most of us are not aware of the strong ancestral voices of our ancestors.
- In our recovery journey to find our wounded child within we need to create loving-kindness for our child.
- In our relationships it's important to remember where resentment
- In our storylines
- In our studies at the stages we have to realise that dissociation being split-off from our deepest truth mimics recovery
- In recovering relationships we recognise that a part of us with the capacity to face our child within
- In recovery it is important to our wellbeing that we understand dissociation which at its heart is to understand the confidence tricks of a soporific society
- In recovery we often become sheriffs dealing with outlaws in the dusty Wild West
- In studying at The Stages we start to uncover where there had been only fearful emptiness or equally frightening grandiose fantasies
- In studying the Stages we begin to understand the role of counter intuitives these captains of the past who profess spirituality whilst practicing something totally different.
- In the Stages the study course nurtures us with relevant information and practical experience for the sake of our own progressive independence
- In the Stages we come to recognise the sign of our dissociation our feeling of lacking a magic something that gives our lives flavour and meaning. The authentic taste of life.
- In the Stages we do not use others’ lack of healing as an excuse for not healing ourselves.
- In the Ten Stage course where parts of us lose the contest with ourselves we evolve into suffering.
- In the Ten Stages by truly growing in our studies we face our vulnerability on a daily basis.
- In the Ten Stages the term Dissing related to acquired awareness
- In the Ten Stages there are risks that are entirely internal.
- In the Ten Stages we acknowledge the connection to addiction
- In the Ten Stages we always go with the choice that scares us the most
- In the Ten Stages we are awakened to our nervous system which has been evolving for millions of years
- In the Ten Stages we do not use others’ lack of healing as an excuse for not healing ourselves.
- In the Ten Stages we learn to release our child within and once released we have an incredibly rich inner life.
- In the Ten Stages we start to understand that we have the power to recharge our lives whilst stoping being dependent on substances or other people
- In the Ten Stages we study self-reflection.
- In the beginning of the course many Stagers do not take full responsibility for their own recovery
- In the child withins mind
- In the course of the Stages we attempt to be awakened to our original enlightened nature
- In the new year we have often for the first time an opportunity to align with our spark of inner truth
- In the stages we do not talk exclusively about individual recovery from dysfunction/addiction.
- In the stages we experiment with our honesty we attempt to re-create the channel of truth between the intuitive voice and mind.
- In the stages we have come to believe that at our conception
- In the ten stages its important to understand how are operating
- In the ten stages we learn to communicate with our perfect child within.
- In the ten stages we see faith not as something we have but as something we are in — a gentle life affirming relationship
- In this form of our recovery we remain happily distant from the misery lurking in our guts.
- Inner Intuitive Dialoguing is almost a magical technique
- Instilling a sense of powerlessness in us is destructive to the child within
- Internal rules can point to the existence of the Child Within.
- Internet addiction should be treated as a clinical disorder
- Intuition is not some special divine skill reserved for the spiritual masters.
- Intuition is not the result of diet
- Intulexia is a state of mind produced by a fully functioning relationship with our child within cauterises the process of traumatised memory
- Is forgiveness healthy?
- Is the voice of shame clouding your true potential?
- Is there a child inside of us that wasn’t allowed to come out and be seen when we were younger
- Is there a healthy way to recover?
- Is there a way of being that if you were to actually embrace and step into would totally upset the balance of your life at this moment?
- It hurts to grieve
- It is SO important to drop your ego at the door of the ten stages.
- It is a nurturing process with our Child Within.
- It is a painful thing to wake up — and to fight for our child within.
- It is agonising to wake up — and to rebirth our child within.
- It is an important asset to become able to meditate at The Ten Stages
- It is easier to try to damage our life than it is to be able to accept our child within.
- It is important for us to start recognising that any dissociated fear or shame based messages
- It is impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone who has no boundaries
- It is not the result of character flaws
- It is only mind freed from addiction in the ten stages
- It is perhaps the greatest human exploration and adventure based recovery study program on this planet and it is available to you........NOW
- It is the unconscious factors buried by the child within operating in the background that leave them at risk of relapse.
- It is through the slow and steady transformation out of our wounds – by coming back and completely identifying and reconnecting with the child who was left behind
- It takes great courage to live from within and out of our core of truth our child within. And the transition from outer definition to inner truth
- It takes immense amounts of energy to hold down our feelings.
- It would be best to understand our relationship with our child within
- It's common for those of us who find ourselves in dissociated relationships to construct an invisible world of detachment.
- It's impossible for us to know who we are if we don't liberate ourself.
- It's not your job to like me - it's mine
- It's pretty much impossible for us to know who we are if we are not in contact our child within.
- It's scary to put our child within out there. Like - terrifying.
- Its really all about jumping of the cliff and growing wings on the way down. With our dissociation we give up growth we hide out.
- It’s as if every sufferer from addiction symptoms is going through adult life as if they were still a child
- It’s no surprise we can fail to tune into our Child Within presence.
- It’s simple – without re-feeling our feelings – our child within can’t and won’t connect to our true voice.
- It’s the mark of a ten stager to no longer blame the other person
- JOIN the study course AND Repeat these stages.
- Jumping off the cliff and growing wings on the way down.
- Just as the suffering is present in every cell of our body
- Just because we have managed to overcome our addiction does not mean that they are immune to dissociational thinking
- Just by making contact with the child within and that their is an attempt to make an empathetic listening environment that starts the process of building a new recovered self
- Justify
- Keeping students safe from harm in an environment of truth
- Kick starting the healing process on The Ten Stages healing journey is the contest Stage
- Kindfulness are fruits of the ten stages
- Kindfulness could be the key to cutting the link between conditioned cues of desired objects and the dissociation that leads to addictive behaviour.
- Kindfulness has be practiced before it becomes real.
- Kindfulness is a powerful force which compels us to grow beyond the limits of our upbringing
- Kindfulness is a unique set of solutions in the ten stages
- Kindfulness is not just for stress. You can also apply Kindfulness to your daily practice.
- Kindfulness is the action stage of the ten stages
- Kindfulness is the secret ingredient of The Ten Stages
- Knowing that all the limiting beliefs from our family
- Lacking healing as an option
- Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself
- Learning is the beginning of our recovery.
- Learning the meaning of the child within which is within us
- Learning to engage intulexia with our child within as an internal fix for dissociation.
- Learning to escape the parental voice in Recovery
- Learning to let go of the ways we inadvertently and unconsciously contribute to our own pain
- Let us make it our intention to set out on the journey of life today with the new mind of our child within.
- Letting go gives us freedom
- Letting go of our old recovery ideas
- Life activities can have a childlike undertone because our unintegrated negative emotionality
- Life is a gift and duality is a waste of that life
- Like any ‘Child Within’
- Listen with compassion to our child withins rage and anger for its life situation
- Living a Healthy Ten Stage Lifestyle.
- Living in our pressure cooker society pushes us to our emotional limits.
- Living with or being involved with dissociation can be mentally and emotionally exhausting.
- Living your ten stage recovery takes courage
- Loosing trust in our own essential nature our child within. We don't just mistrust our child within
- Loving Kindfulness and Militant Vulnerability:
- Loving-Friendliness How is this practice nourished
- Loving-Kindfulness a sense of Compassion and goodness
- Loving-Kindfulness starts with you learning healthy self protection. Child Within Chill
- Loving-Kindness is self-enrichment.
- Loving-kindness is the secret weapon we use in The Stages
- MBro DayHab:We ignore the doubts of others.
- Make Good Ten Stage Choices
- Make a list of all the things you wish other people would see about you.
- Making The Ten Stages as a taught course allowed for one of the most powerful human qualities that of choice.
- Malice in Wonderland
- Manifest from that place of perfection re-connect with your child within.
- Many
- Many in self help recovery world have confused “authenticity” for spewing all their emotional traumas onto someone without notice.
- Many of us
- Many of us keep our Child Within hidden because we are afraid that we are going to stir the pot too much
- Many potential Stagers are terrified of being alone and in the unknown of the first stage of recovery
- Many trauma victims emotionally “fly away” in their minds to escape the horror they are experiencing.
- May I be able to live in this world happily
- Meet our same old sad and lonely child within
- Meeting your Child Within is about getting clear about what we need
- Messages we gain along the way
- Misdirections from our website sorry if you were mis-directed we have completely changed our title to
- Mobile Phone Abuse:
- Most of us are secretly needy children.
- Most of us are unaware of the childhood traumas of our ancestors.
- Most people in modern societies are lured and hypnotised by the deceptive spells of our cultural illusions.
- Most successful recoveries for us who suffers from dissociations attached to an addiction cycle exhibit some of the following components:
- Moving forward in the ten stages is difficult
- My Child Within Stuff/Your Child Within Stuff
- My life is not only about my strengths and virtues; it is also about my liabilities and my limits
- Never forget that once upon a time
- No Blame
- No Guilt
- No Leaders.
- No Shame just healthy believable explanations.TEN STAGE RECOVERY
- No Sponsors
- No event justifies a negative feeling.
- No fear
- No matter how deeply life has pushed us down
- No matter how many scars we carry from what we have gone through and suffered in the past
- No matter our trauma. we experienced it.
- No matter what calendar you use - the Mayan calendar or the modern day Gregorian calendar
- No matter what you were told growing up
- No one is created addicted. We begin life perfectly unscathed. Immature
- No pain is greater than that of the Child that is within us
- No pain is greater than the Child that is within us
- None of these is you.
- Not everyone will understand our path to recovery.
- Now
- Now after a time in self-help recovery we will have become masters of dissociation.
- Now is not the time to let those who are living their addiction nightmare convince you that your recovery in the ten stages aren't true.
- Now right now we gain the knowledge of our own personal experience as we make contact once more with our re-awakened child within
- Now that we have studied hard at the ten stages to believe that we do have a true and child within
- Now we are the voice of our intuition!
- Now we’re talking about how we can actually garner the kind of strength and intention to radically transform our life in ten short stages
- Often our childhood creates within us a lost
- On completing the Stages The child within becomes a new species.
- On completion of our first convention in North Yorkshire
- On hearing the deep personal messages in the stages we become shocked
- On the 22nd of December at 3.30 g.m.time we will be acknowledging those in Countries outside the United Kingdom who are carrying The Ten Stage message to other children within.
- On the stages’s healing journey it is our task to join in a contest between our child and our constructed adult self.
- Once we have established a fairly stable field of ten stage program and loving-kindness around ourself
- Once we uncover the history of our childhood pattern and trace its roots
- One of our great gifts is that we have free will.
- One of the biggest blocks to recovering our child within we have seen is this idea of receiving permission.
- One of the fundamental messages is that we are not victims
- One of the largest problem we see - beyond any other - is insecurity and disconnection from our child within and ourselves.
- One of the most common effects of abuse is that it leaves survivors unconsciously drawn to situations and people that simulate their dysfunctional family system.
- One of the most significant triggers for childhood trauma are adult relationships.
- One stage at a time. That is all we have to do is face life
- Only our dulled
- Open Eyed Meditation affirms and protects the mutual loving-kindfulness we use to protect our hard fort for New Self Worth
- Our Anger
- Our Child Within can think independently from us
- Our Child Within coupled with The Ten Stages are the truest compass ever created
- Our Child Within creates an imaginative
- Our Child Within doesn’t live in our ego
- Our Child Within has a natural curiosity and creativity once freed and expresses it freely.
- Our Child Within is a leap of faith.
- Our Child Within is born Lovable
- Our Child Within is complete. our child within doesn’t “complete you” – our child within is the true reflection of you. Become whole
- Our Child Within is our mental repository that holds our repressed feelings and experiences
- Our Child Within is still perfect within us
- Our Child Within is the truest compass ever created
- Our Child Within loves laughter and silliness and humour
- Our Child Within tries to warn us with its intuitive voice
- Our Child within was born to be curious
- Our Childs constructed survival strategies get prolonged into adulthood
- Our Dissociational behaviour flees intense emotions that spark and trigger old traumatic wounds
- Our Growth as child within requires that we be honest with ourselves.
- Our Healthy children have no need to apologise they have done nothing wrong they are and have perfection as a gift of birth.
- Our Recovery Life emerges out of the silence of our perfect child within.
- Our Ten Stage Recoveries are not shaped by our conditions
- Our Ten Stage Recovery is our inner path alone
- Our Vision at The Ten Stages
- Our Vision is to see people with recovery disabilities
- Our abilities as ten stages recovery students and meditators gradually build on each other.
- Our adult child have become a human sponge
- Our ancestors may not have known how to care for their child within
- Our answers lie within. Look there. Follow our child within.
- Our attempts at Recovery have become complicated because we pass them through our habitual disturbed thought patterns.
- Our child Within of most of us
- Our child hidden within craves and needs functioning parenting.
- Our child within has had to learn to cope with erratic parenting or no parenting at all.
- Our child within has no physical defence
- Our child within is always waiting to be acknowledged
- Our child within is efficient and honest. Our child within is not a game player or a manipulator.
- Our child within is not a pet – our child is a WILD ANIMAL!
- Our child within is still inside us there somewhere
- Our child within needs to experience the feelings of being worthy and welcome
- Our child within once freed
- Our child within once freed always knows what to do to heal itself.
- Our child withins emotional memories so often get triggered into consciousness by an old familiar smell
- Our child withins emotions are volatile
- Our child's not wounded we are
- Our consumer culture teaches that getting more stuff and holding on to it is the way to riches.
- Our day has come when we are stirred by unexpected events of hearing the ten stages.
- Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
- Our doubt
- Our ego is like our bodyguard
- Our faces will relax and we shall shine.
- Our forever buried weeping wound is suppressed through the persistence into adult life of childlike emotion survival/coping strategies
- Our freedom and growth requires that we be honest with ourselves.
- Our frozen child within is caused by intense fear during childhood.
- Our greatest child within expert is within us
- Our inter-active hangouts starting soon make sure you register to gain access
- Our intuitive mind has the capacity to always give us just the answer we need at any given time1 – and to answer with the most beautiful truth
- Our intuitive voice is high jacked by the traumatic voice of childhood.
- Our job is to stay aware of our child within and notice when we have taken on the parental ghost
- Our journey towards recovery in the ten stages is simple.
- Our life has become a mechanical life.
- Our life has become a mechanical life. It's not human
- Our life’s work it is to recover our child within.
- Our life’s work is to recover our child within.
- Our living practice of Stageology is not logical
- Our meditation unfolds in the stages.
- Our mind coming into recovery is a fault-finding mind its a google minded snake
- Our mind has the capacity to always give us just the answer we need at any given time
- Our mind is our ‘social organ’
- Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor.
- Our need to recover drives us to grow
- Our needs from childhood are worthy of being met.
- Our old feelings of abandonment that are encoded in the unprocessed memories stored in our child within
- Our old life map we start to uncover.
- Our old patterns of dysfunction and addiction were really self-medication
- Our old patterns of dysfunction and often addiction were really self-medication and the inevitable flight from reality.
- Our only problem is to think that we shouldn't have problems.
- Our own integrated Child Within was born bathed in a feeling emotional natural state
- Our recovery is unfortunately a painful thing for us to wake up to in The Ten Stages.
- Our recovery whilst working the ten stages is our full conscious connection with our core
- Our relationship with uncertainty is a measure of the growth we will make on the stages courses.
- Our resentment
- Our restoration of the child within is an inner recovery path
- Our shame comes from what we do with the negative messages
- Our so-called conscious mind — believe it or not — is not in charge of our day-to-day behaviour.
- Our sole desire for aligning with truth and its power is to guide us to our life’s calling freedom for the child within.
- Our strong message of recovery is that our Truth is in our genetic make-up
- Our study is inspiring and gives us the energy and desire to pursue this path to fruition in our own lives.
- Our study is to resolve the traumas buried by our child within
- Our ten stage recovery is painful and requires an entrance fee of suffering.
- Our ten stage triggers is something that will remind us to break out of our “automatic pilot”
- Our traumas and unfinished programming from childhood dictates how we live our lives today.
- Our traumas occur whenever a child’s true self is not witnessed in full.
- Our unchosen relationships are relationships with family members who suffer from dissociation.
- Our understanding and growth is being repressed and potentially damaged when our child within feels required to stop crying
- Our unexpressed expectations of our child within have become our self-fulfilling prophecies.
- Our unwanted Christmas trigger Gift
- Our whole lives we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for approval to fit in.
- Our whole lives we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for relationship approval and to fit in.
- Our worry
- Out beyond our egos
- Out of fear of being awakened such fellowships unconsciously traumatise us in order to mute our honesty.
- Over 700 visiting today and seeing the strong recovery message of the ten stages.
- Over time
- Owning our own child withins story can be hard
- Parental oppression and abuse have effects on our child within and experience of freedom in childhood
- Parents' thought can affect our child within even if they never expressed the thoughts into words.
- Part of living our true recovery and not our shadow is being able to LIVE in and with uncertainty.
- People who are dissociated
- People who are dissociated call themselves RECOVERED.
- Perhaps you have never experienced that state of mind in which there is total abandonment of everything
- Picking at the scar tissue of our unresolved wounds nibbles away at our relationships destroying our partially unconscious self are the norm.
- Polarisation of the shadow self self numbing
- Poll Forum
- Positive Healthy Recovery Growth our worldwide membership is growing larger by the moment filling our students with a positive message exploding the myths of the roots of addiction
- Power and Authority Meditation using positive phrases
- Powerlessness
- Preparation: • Make a personal Commitment to practicing the stagers silence for a minimum of 10 to 20 minutes daily for 30 days.
- Psychological trauma
- Punishment doesn’t solve our child withins problems; it intensifies them.
- RECOVERY Growth is the name of the game at The Ten Stages. It’s what we all crave. It’s what we all want.
- RECOVERY IS ALL AROUND. The child has native speakers of his or her childhood world speaking and sharing a similar experience to him/her often.
- Radical Loving Kindfulness means accepting only the best and leaving behind the rest.
- Re-connected to who we really are.
- Re-programming is so important to notice and praise our functioning behaviours
- Real damage is done to children and adults by long-term psychological abuse.
- Realisation
- Rebelle Recovery is an evolving twelve week taught course of study
- Rebelle Recovery starts from a position of trust and consent
- Rebelle Recovery therapy: An examination of the child withins over-developed sense of self
- Reconnecting to our child within engages into a new recovery for ourselves stripping away the codependent chatter of others old out worn patterns.
- Reconnection to our true self is our goal
- Recovered Stagers (RS) have found their true home
- Recovered Stagers have learned through hard experience that true love comes from the true self.
- Recovered from our child withins wounded state
- Recovering into Reality:A new treatment paradigm for recovery we acknowledge that Addicts/alcoholics are not born so: we are created.
- Recovery Children Within are addicts. We are addicted to dissociation.Not addiction.
- Recovery Stager's who have completed the stages are free of trauma.
- Recovery calls forth ugly things from within our sub-conscious.
- Recovery can be measured by how compassionately and wisely we interact with others
- Recovery comes from the child within.
- Recovery comes through contact with our true self our child within.
- Recovery flows from a place of non-contradiction—not from good and bad.
- Recovery in stages is the freedom of emotional integration.
- Recovery is experienced as our personal dialog with that child within
- Recovery is not static; it is alive
- Recovery is the conscious awareness of truth.
- Recovery people can be some of the most violent people we will ever meet.
- Recovery will remain
- Reincarnation of consciousness is the evolution of nature and the manifestation of the child within.
- Reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.
- Remember as a child … whatever we would study we would learn about.
- Right now we’re in a special and powerful position
- STAGERS JOURNALS: Journaling is
- STAGERS are committed to understand the ten stage course
- Sadly
- San Pedro
- School playgrounds are full of children making up rules and acting them out.
- Scientific research now tells us that the roots of addiction reside in neurotransmitters in the brain and balancing these neurotransmitters will lead to successful recovery.
- Scientists think the belief that part of us is eternal emerges early in life
- Self Compassion a root to Freedom and Recovery
- Self Compassion improving our quality of life (Part Two)
- Self Worth comes through the liberation of the Child Within.
- Self esteem
- Self-Reflection means to make manifest or apparent our child within.
- Self-doubt is painful and unpleasant
- Self-doubt is part of the Child Withins contact.
- Self-medication with alcohol is voluntary dissociation its a choice.
- Self-surrender
- Several sub-personalities are continually scuffing with each other
- Show confidence and faith in our child withins new abilities by noticing small improvements and pointing out our developing skills to ourselves.
- Shy
- Silence not chatter consistently highlights the traumatic underpinnings of our emotional conflicts
- Sitting quietly in the sanctuary of my garden office
- Skype and the Ten Stages
- Slowly our children within are telling us about their memories of our abuse
- Slowly we delve into dismantling the shadow self that has for so long shielded us from harsh realities
- So
- So build a home inside by accepting yourself and learning to love and heal yourself.
- So that we don't live a life of regret
- So what is Dissociation (being split-off from one’s deepest truth) which mimics recovery– but it isn’t recovery.
- Sobriety – retaining dignity
- Sociable and Non-Violent can and needs to return there.
- Social Media is still favourite ways of feeding our dissociation addiction.
- Social unease comes from fear of embarrassment and betrayal.
- Solution based 10 Stage Courses Long ago
- Some of the incredible science behind the ten stages
- Sometimes after years of recovery we have become masters of our own dissociation.
- Sometimes the child in us needs all our attention.
- Sometimes we must undergo hardships
- Speaking up... speaking our truth with Trust and Consent. That's the name of the game.
- Stage Recovery is an action
- Stagers
- Stagers Liberate To Full All Encompassing Recovery
- Stagers are often asked to keep what happens in at the stages quiet.
- Stagers are those who have developed the art of being able to deeply self-reflect.
- Stagers forgive spontaneously and without effort
- Stagers lead right to the heart of the matter.
- Stagers need to approach self-defence in an enlightened manner.
- Stages Academy: Tuesday Workshop Bringing truth and compassion into our life
- Stages Child Within Communities are everything.
- Stages Co-meditation the helping art of completing the Stages gently with loving-kindness .
- Stages Dream-Work is a wonderful and challenging discipline
- Stages Studies helps show us what our real emotional needs are
- Stages Study keeps us focused on the centre of our being our child within.
- Stages meditation for study appears in consciousness spontaneously when awareness is not being manipulated or controlled.
- Stages meditation has no direction or goal. It is pure wordless surrender
- Starting Soon Ten Stage Child Within Surgeries SIGN UP HERE...
- Starting to understand our parental voice and how it impacts our Child Within.
- Stay connected to who we really are.
- Staying connected to who you really are!
- Stop betraying yourself.
- Structured Study Course The Ten Stages We re-learn the art of making contact with ourselves to tell the story of our child withins life.
- Studying our Stages can be painful
- Studying the Stages we come to recognise the sign of our dissociation our feeling of lacking a magic
- Successful reeducation involves seeing each child within as a unique and whole human entity
- Suddenly being thrust into the 7 Second Reality
- Suddenly we recognise we are being treated as if we are crazy
- Surrender in the stages study course is the point at which we try and try and try and nothing we "do" seems to work for us in our recovery.
- TEN STAGES Thought for 2018 First Meeting
- Take a seat. Close your eyes and imagine how much you will regret if you keep living your life exactly the same way you are right now.
- Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life
- Ten Stage "webinar." is a Web-based seminar
- Ten Stage Course promotes positive experiences
- Ten Stage Daily Action Plan to keep us centred today
- Ten Stage Healing is an inner path to our personal child within
- Ten Stage Meditational Singularity causes a break in human evolution
- Ten Stage Openness is an ability to go with the flow of childhood experience
- Ten Stage Recovery is based on the premise that addiction cannot exist without the building block of dissociation
- Ten Stage Time Out Zone
- Ten Stage Tuesday Meeting on the challenges set out in the Ten Stages
- Ten Stage meet-ups has been created to provide a safe
- Ten Stage recovery means waking up.
- Ten Stage transitioning from our outer definition to inner truth is a lonely path.
- Ten Stagers are in the business of becoming free of their trauma.
- Ten Stagers forgive spontaneously and without effort because we have fully embraced our damaged childhood
- Ten Stagers need to approach self-defence in an awakened manner.
- Ten Stagers who have accepted their child within into maturity can approach conflict with an enemy in a nonreactive way.
- Ten Stages Calm
- Ten Stages Mind of Calm is the modern meditation technique that proves the secret to recovery is ten stage meditational stillness.
- Ten Stages Monday Workshops getting ready for the Tuesday Meeting...
- Ten Stages Peace & Meditation
- Ten Stages Thought
- Ten Stages and the fragmented personality.THE PERIOD OF REFLECTION
- Ten Stages and the use of the power of INTULEXIA
- Ten Stages are the only healthy recovery model.
- Ten Stages has found that we cannot examine the workings of our mind from afar
- Ten Stages is the pathway to Freedom. No Gurus
- Ten Stages meditation is a form of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds.
- Ten Stages of Mourning for Our Childhood @ The Ten Stages
- Ten Stages of our Traumatic history is not what happened to us
- Ten Stages of recovery is all about freedom.
- Ten Stages the game changer when we extract the arrows of childhood abuse
- Ten Stages topic: other people's drama.
- TenStage+ As we practice together we become the child within
- Tenstage+ Project Radical New View and Modern Translation. Explication of The Child held Within us.
- Tenstage+by its nature it is designed to uncover a voice you do not wish to hear
- Thanks Alaska you made it 800 WOW!!!
- That’s why we created The Ten Stages. We wanted to create a live environment where we could come
- The 10 Stages 'Child Within' Course starting next Tuesday 25th of August
- The 10-stage study course encourages us to make use of this course as a springboard to find our own unique voice that has been buried within our hidden child.
- The Aim of our Recovery is Self Autonomy
- The Art of Recovering the Awakened Dreamer Unselfish Communication in Recovery
- The CHILD WITHIN is our hidden child and responds as a child. It is not an inner child because this is the voice of parental abuse.
- The Child Within It is important to note that trauma is not all that lives in our child locked room hidden from view.
- The Child Within behind every addiction lurks unmet needs and failing coping strategies from childhood.
- The Child Within can remember consciously the big event of birth itself
- The Child Within in Charge of dissociation
- The Child Within is the exciting spark of the intuitive voice
- The Child Within is the spark of the intuitive voice and when we remember this we are and whose we really are
- The Child Within meditations will help us to finally trust our childhood intuitions
- The Child Within once released from the bondage of approval
- The Child Within there is an apparent beginning to the experience of separate existence
- The Child Within wants us to take our power back
- The Child Withins path – one connected to ourself
- The Child hidden within has all these answers and more. Connect Today.
- The Child within the backdoor into the brain has immense explanatory power.
- The Dissociation Dream is the way of temporary forgetting that which is still traumatising us
- The Gentle Touch of our Child Within
- The Illusion that leads to addiction explained:
- The Joy the Freedom of our Spanish quest
- The Meditational practice of Stageology offers a perception of ‘things as they are’
- The New Ten Stages includes dissociation discovery
- The Only Self-Empowering Recovery model:
- The Out-Patient
- The Out-Patients
- The Program Clean Up
- The Recovered Stagers forgive spontaneously and without effort because we have fully embraced their damaged parts and grieved every honest ounce of our past misery.
- The STAGES Course follows a self illuminating truth
- The Stager is also decisive
- The Stagers are living in the age of the intuition and evolution.
- The Stagers are much less protected
- The Stages Child Within Journal
- The Stages Intuitive voice is the magical voice of the freed child within that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem to the solution
- The Stages Study Course means us having the courage to peel back layers of pain and sadness.
- The Stages acknowledge that we have created an environment and a culture that cut us off from our connection with our child within
- The Stages are our conscious knowledge from experience
- The Stages awakens the a Child in All of Us! by giving us back our voice.
- The Stages do not heal us. We catalyse healing. We the student ultimately have to do the true healing work ourselves.
- The Stages doesn't force us to change our minds.
- The Stages examines Trauma Transference from Childhood
- The Stages involves gently bringing light to the dark corners that dissociation was developed to hide.
- The Stages is a new method of study for us to uncover our own truth
- The Stages is all about developing self empathy.
- The Stages is all about us starting to develop self empathy.
- The Stages is difficult to grasp at first.
- The Stages is not constructed to promote likes or fans.
- The Stages makes a number of conceptions one is that at our conception
- The Stages produces a new exciting Roadmap to freedom
- The Stages says the longest journey we will take is not anywhere "out there" but to our child within.
- The Stages seeks a solution that moves us beyond his or her "painful inner dialogue."
- The Stages seeks a solution that moves us beyond his or her "painful inner dialogue." and out into the clear blue waters of recovery.
- The Stages study that those who are respected learn respect.
- The Stages takes on the deep emotional side of the most disenfranchised minority in our society: our child Within.
- The Stages words and ideas resonated with us on a deep and permanent level. We are not used to hearing the truth. It makes us incredibly curious to find out more.
- The Ten
- The Ten Stage Course create time when you escape the game altogether and just live without preconceptions
- The Ten Stage Practice
- The Ten Stage Singularity is a point pre-conception
- The Ten Stage Studies paves the way to a new life.
- The Ten Stage Study course helps show us what our real emotional needs are
- The Ten Stage Study rejects rigid expectations
- The Ten Stage approach is to expose our constructed self so that we can see it for what it really is.
- The Ten Stage is not a solo gig
- The Ten Stages Courses are studied recovery
- The Ten Stages Hurt People Hurt People
- The Ten Stages Intuitive voice
- The Ten Stages Meditation of deep silence
- The Ten Stages Quotes
- The Ten Stages Revolutionary Recovery Study Methods to be Shared in Live Seminars
- The Ten Stages Study Course is new and perhaps the greatest human exploration and adventure about rebuilding autonomous self worth.
- The Ten Stages Study Course is perhaps the greatest human exploration and adventure about rebuilding autonomous self worth.
- The Ten Stages Study course keeps us focused on the centre of our child within.
- The Ten Stages Study is the greatest human exploration and adventure concerned with rebuilding autonomous self worth.
- The Ten Stages Study key to Child Within contact is meditational.
- The Ten Stages Why You Were Born
- The Ten Stages abounds with proof that loving-kindfulness heals
- The Ten Stages acknowledges that We are all unique perfect children within carrying a full range of unique gifts to offer.
- The Ten Stages advanced meditation process.
- The Ten Stages advocate full acceptance and expression of our child within.
- The Ten Stages and Rebelle Recovery are the only health based recovery model seeking evolving client centred solutions
- The Ten Stages and its child within revelations offer a unique journey inward which is both simple
- The Ten Stages and self-compassion.
- The Ten Stages and starts to address the constant emotional relapse phase of an addiction.Other programs tend to treat the rash of addiction.
- The Ten Stages and the truth it carries will cause an upheaval in your life and the life of others
- The Ten Stages are a course of studied recovery.
- The Ten Stages are a recovery practice working from a healthy core base of short empathetic intuitive meditations
- The Ten Stages are an experiential course usually of ten week duration
- The Ten Stages are based on the fact that we each have the capacity to be our own guide on life’s recovery journey.
- The Ten Stages are based on the principle that we each of us have the capacity to be our own guide on life’s journey
- The Ten Stages are how we learn to see from a different perspective.
- The Ten Stages are in the present tense
- The Ten Stages are intended to help us make sense of our recovery process
- The Ten Stages are radically different in their approach coming from a perfectly healthy viewpoint
- The Ten Stages are re-born each day out of the intuitive answers uncovered during times of rest and recuperation.
- The Ten Stages are the passionate spirit of the child held by the consciousness of the adult.
- The Ten Stages are the true self linked with the conscious mind.
- The Ten Stages as we start on the course of study towards our recovery
- The Ten Stages at last is up and running.
- The Ten Stages believe that everyone has the potential to RECOVER
- The Ten Stages brings a motivation to spread the truth that is everyone’s birthright.
- The Ten Stages by its very nature is evolving into mental health and wellbeing working closely with health professionals in many different countries
- The Ten Stages can and will change your life. It will introduce you to a stranger
- The Ten Stages can be an amazing
- The Ten Stages child within meditation practice.
- The Ten Stages course bolsters our deep optimism like nothing we’ve ever experienced.
- The Ten Stages create lightbulb moments which came on during our studies
- The Ten Stages create revolutionary solutions:
- The Ten Stages create revolutionary solutions: Drugs aren't the driver of addiction
- The Ten Stages deals with Narcissism.
- The Ten Stages do not deal with the inner child
- The Ten Stages does not call you clients
- The Ten Stages does not heal stagers
- The Ten Stages examines The Self-Absorption Overlay
- The Ten Stages experience
- The Ten Stages explores the healing power of a consensual approach
- The Ten Stages explores the healing power of consensual approach
- The Ten Stages gives you a “reality smack” your liked and respected
- The Ten Stages has a new domain name www. and new email address.
- The Ten Stages has found that we are addicted.
- The Ten Stages introduces us to The Child Within seeking to make the invisible visible
- The Ten Stages is a constantly evolving course of teachings fit for purpose in our ever changing modern world.It is the only course to come from a healthy non-blaming or shaming source
- The Ten Stages is a reawakening to our angry child that over the years we have chosen to ignore and sublimate.
- The Ten Stages is a reawakening to our angry child that over the years we have chosen to ignore.
- The Ten Stages is a simple study course.
- The Ten Stages is a taught course of study. We need to learn to get out of the way of our recovery. We have to abandon everything we've been taught and everything we've been led to believe
- The Ten Stages is a taught course that usually runs for twelve week period.
- The Ten Stages is about connecting our ordinary days
- The Ten Stages is an autonomous self teaching Study Course owned by yourself and completed by yourself.
- The Ten Stages is based on the principle that we each have the capacity to be our own guide on life’s journey.
- The Ten Stages is firmly convinced that kindfulness can grow in compassion for self and others
- The Ten Stages is intent on restoring dignity and respect to sufferers from emotional distress.
- The Ten Stages is not constructed to promote likes or fans.
- The Ten Stages is not constructed to promote likes or fans. By its nature it is designed to uncover a voice you do not wish to hear
- The Ten Stages is not some fad or pop psychology.
- The Ten Stages is perhaps the greatest human exploration and adventure based recovery study program on this planet and it is available to you.
- The Ten Stages is simple
- The Ten Stages is the greatest human exploration and adventure based on this planet and it is available to you.
- The Ten Stages is unique in that our recovery manifests from perfect health and refuses the ancient ideas of historic pathology and fear.
- The Ten Stages joins the ranks of the dot-comers
- The Ten Stages looks at our Dissociative symptoms which involve a loss of certain functions
- The Ten Stages looks towards a future period during which the pace of meditational change will be so rapid
- The Ten Stages purposeful meditation
- The Ten Stages require and are about self-reflection.
- The Ten Stages returns us to what Kids do naturally.
- The Ten Stages see how a few of us struggle with great diligence and anguish to heal the traumas we carry.
- The Ten Stages seek to help search for a our version of our "Truth"
- The Ten Stages seeks a solution
- The Ten Stages seeks to understand in the terms of the child within
- The Ten Stages seeks to understand in the terms of the child within the trapped “Traumatic reenactment”
- The Ten Stages stand for DIGNITY NOT stigma
- The Ten Dissociation the roots of Addiction
- The Ten stages are the freedom of our emotional integration.
- The Ten stages intuitive voice meditation
- The Truth really is we are perfect within.
- The actualised child within needn’t brutalise each other or jeopardise our survival to resolve conflict
- The basement of our childhood we fear to enter holds the treasure we seek.
- The basis of recovery in ten stages is understanding
- The best support and care we
- The best way for us to heal our unresolved childhood traumas is to do the ten stages — and fast.
- The best way for us to heal our unresolved childhood traumas is to start the studies — and fast.
- The child within begins to work much more efficiently when misidentification
- The child within hidden agenda constantly asks for our care and to chance our recovery
- The child within is a semi-independent entity subordinate to the waking conscious mind.
- The child within is not inhibited by what others might think.
- The child withins suffering
- The commonly held belief that part of us - a soul or essence for example - is eternal
- The core of the ten Stage study is that at our conception
- The corner-stone of the ten stages is honesty to ourselves firstly
- The critical ingredient in recovery is getting off your butt and doing something.
- The cry we hear from deep in our hearts
- The curse of the gratitude list we who are dissociated feel we have mastered forgiveness.
- The damage done
- The deep Illusions that leads to dissociation addiction explained
- The deepest wound. My wound
- The dissociated in recovery consider themselves paragons of spirituality.
- The early contemplations on the child within a revelation into early birth and its secrets.
- The emotional logic of grief at the stages is better understood if you think of it as a series of frantic moves to re-orient to the world
- The energy of GATZO is the salve that will recognise and heal the child within. But how do we cultivate this energy?
- The essence of the stages is loving kindness
- The feeling of wanting to die
- The fellowships falsely believes that addiction is a disease
- The first stage is creating time for your recovery journey. Yes
- The focus is on our child within.
- The forum has been created to provide a safe
- The fundamental principle is that there is eternal freedom for every one.
- The ghost appearances of our child within can so easily "take over" our functional state
- The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this life.
- The great Zen wisdom
- The greatest problem with long term recovery
- The hardest part of our Loving-Kindfulness we have to re-learn is accepting wherever we are at in the moment no matter how uncomfortable.
- The hidden parts of us that drive our addictions into a quick fix solution..
- The idea of being in meditative solitude
- The ideas manifested within the ten stages is not to blame
- The illusion of our dissociation is the created label of addict or alcoholic.
- The joy of release from our misconceptions
- The joy that comes from realising that suffering in our lives comes from the meaning we have been given in childhood is unlimited.
- The key is the path of the child within.
- The key to unravelling addiction is understanding trauma and our relationship to our child within.
- The knowledge of disassociation or in the terms of the ten stages Dissing
- The longer we practice meditation
- The main driver of our busyness and dissociation is uncertainty
- The major reason that new discoveries in recovery take years to be accepted and why confused and irrational traditions are maintained for generations.
- The memories of the traumatic experiences are dissociated
- The mis-recognition of the Child within ourselves begins early in life.
- The more centred we become through child within study the less we hunt for external gurus
- The more our consciousness is disconnected from our child within the less awakened we become
- The more we make connection to our perfect child with in the more we change our dissociational life
- The more you trust your intuition
- The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions
- The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with child within.
- The most important thing for us at the stages is that we are allowed to affirm that our child within will have the power to take charge of our lives
- The most painful deep seated education within the stages is to deal with dissociation
- The most powerful recovery tool we have at our disposal is the power of choice.
- The most reliable indicator of real recovery from dissociation is in longevity and homeostasis of our recovered mental health.
- The most significant triggers from our childhood relationship trauma are adult relationships.
- The necessary ingredients of real healthy recovery in The Ten Stages is self-work.
- The old map we start to uncover in the stages is supposed to tell us what is normal
- The only real valuable thing is intuition.
- The only way we have learned to deal with our difficulties is to dissociate.
- The opposite of addiction is not sobriety.
- The outcome of dissociation in our addictive life include
- The parental voice is almost always sniping at the authentic child within influencing relationships
- The passionately recovered do not forget. We remember. We keep alive our connections with our true selves
- The path to recovery is highly stressful
- The path to the child within is one of uncertainty
- The path to the intuitional voice is all that counts.
- The perspective of the child is fundamentally different and its actions correspondingly so.
- The point of our recovery power in the ten stages is definitely in the present
- The positive message drawn from The Ten Stages for a tremendous new year.
- The power to trust in our ten stage process of recovery develops with a commitment to finding a path into what we want
- The practice of cultivating real recovery for ourselves with loving-kindfulness and self compassion is paramount to recovering our self-esteem and health.
- The practice of kindfulness in the ten stages increases our capacity to care for ourselves.
- The price we have to pay to live our recovery at the stages
- The problem is not to avoid pain of childhood trauma and constantly revisit it or to deny what happened to us
- The pulse of our recovery beats at the heart of our child within and is something that we all know intuitively is our birthright.
- The purpose of Stages meditation: is not relaxation
- The real narrative was of five years of deliberate crushing of our individuality
- The reason that we get involved with people who are unavailable
- The reason why the stages is a taught study course is that it is painful thing to wake up
- The recovery journey we participate in at the stages is a deep
- The recovery journey we participate in at the stages is a deep and beautiful process because we are no longer running away
- The repetition compulsion is the inner drive we have to re-enact our traumas in an unconscious urge
- The responsibility to our new members who have given me so much means that we must re-set our program and communicate clearly and truthfully with the membership.
- The search relates to coming to know ourself and the true nature of what the child within is.
- The self-confidence of recovered enlightenment is fed by the universal spring of life.
- The self-confidence of the ten stages is fed by the universal spring of life.
- The separation of ourselves and our thought process from the main stream of our consciousness
- The simple truth of the ten stages is that none of us escapes being conditioned by the ideas and agendas of others.
- The solutions to our ten stage recovery are all within us
- The stages dream work is humbling
- The state we are in changes during the day. Sometimes we are in a sleep state
- The suffering of that child is lying inside us right now in the present moment.
- The thing is
- The thought that "something is wrong with me" is the biggest roadblock to recovery that we know of.
- The time is right NOW
- The traumatised person is cut off from language
- The tribal nature of most self help groups
- The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable
- The vast majority of us cannot admit our parents disrespected and hurt us.
- The voice of our child withins intuition whisper and is not logical. It makes no sense. It will ask us to do things that are outside of our comfort zone
- The whole powerlessness concept is threatening because they were unable to control what was done to them as a child so it's terrifying
- The world is full of heroes and rescuers and martyrs who are drawn like magnets to recovery.
- The world of parents and caregivers struggling with dissociations that lead to addiction
- The worst parts of dissociation? We can be a HORRIBLE to those we love most.
- The “child Within” is born out of the womb of the unconscious
- Their are no linear paths to recovery
- Their biggest fear was that the fellowship would be some how exposed so they kept the finger of blame
- Their is nothing remotely like our simple Ten Stages program.
- Then we come to a time
- There is a child within you that you are holding back?
- There is a purpose in the ten stages
- There is nothing remotely like THE TEN STAGES. The best way for us to recover from all of our dysfunctions
- There is nothing you have to prove. There is nothing you have to DO
- There is something to be found in what we have lost.
- There really is nothing remotely Like the ten Stages
- There really is nothing remotely Like the ten Stages taught courses
- There really is nothing remotely Like the ten Stages: all bad decisions we make
- There's one thing we've got to do before we get started with the rest of our day
- There’s no addiction without ‘thought disorder’
- There’s no big wake up call
- There’s no time for a life belt or parachute. You must learn to trust your inner voice right now.
- These are a few simple suggestions for our Stagers at the ten stages who are willing to have an experimental experience with themselves.
- These messages basically tell us that we are somehow not all right
- They freeze our memory with ice to keep us from remembering......But remember we do.
- Think about it – what’s the child within like?
- Think of the dissociations that are ours
- This becomes the power of the true Stager.
- This dull feeling of wanting to die
- This explains why we act out in so many self-destructive ways.
- This external power that we have created – can only lead us to alienation
- This has become our crazy making scenario that we have inherited and have the expectation that it will work in adult life it wont.
- This hope
- This idea of permission.
- This is a Recovery Killer
- This is a wonderful time of change. The world is open. The world needs to hear our message.
- This is a wonderful time of recovery change. The world is open. The world needs to hear our message.
- This is how recovery is acted upon in stages.
- This is how we heal trauma. And once we do that we find that our true selves have the greatest allies imaginable: our conscious minds
- This is the line of inquiry that I think happens in a child's mind
- This is the true legacy of our Child Within.
- This is the way great healthy recovery giants are produced.
- This kind of respect for ourselves shines a light on our dark memories constantly purifying our darkness into light.
- This part of the ten stages is often characterised by experiencing the emotion of grief
- Those of us who have made a connection to our child within into maturity can approach conflict and an enemy in a non-reactive way.
- Those who cannot keep up with the acceleration of change now occurring at the Stages
- Thought for today
- Three Week advanced meditation course try for a short time of your choosing every two days in quiet seclusion tell no one.
- Three of the greatest gifts we can return to our child Within are optimism
- Through studying the ten stages we gain respect for the genius of the unconscious child within.
- Through the inward focus of our Stages Studies we become much more immune to the effects of having the world tell us who we are
- Through the inward focus of the ten stages we become much more immune to the effects of having the world tell us who we are.
- Through the ten stages course work we gain a massive respect for the genius of our child within.
- Tides and Ripples Contemplation and Reflection
- To Recover at all
- To know ourselves would require that we face the dissociation of our buried traumas…and leave our worlds of padded recovery rooms behind.
- To make contact with our child within is to come into contact with our purpose
- To remind ourself of the power of letting go meditation at the ten stages
- To seek a solution is to study the Ten Stages and then and only then will your solution become apparent.
- To start our ten stage recovery journey
- To start the journey of recovering the child within we first have to develop and nurture our meditational voice
- Today
- Today is TEN STAGE Tuesday Yes
- Today is my first day — and a new time in my life.
- Today we acknowledge the Child Withins Course of recovery the miracle
- Today we do not sacrifice ourselves on the altar of others insanity.
- Today we have been working on a new roof to the meditation room as part of our action stages.
- Today we self-reflect
- Too many us are waiting for the Stages to come along and cut our grass.
- Trace our motives. Grieve our wounds. Shed a tears. Shed more tears. Study our history in Stages.
- Tracking Dissociation with Parental Roots. Make no mistake
- Tracking the Child Within Ideas and beliefs of immortality emerge from our intuition.
- Traditional treatment for Recovery is that many of the methods used are counter productive.
- Transitioning from our shadow self-constructed self to our amalgamated whole child within
- Traumas and continued disrespect
- True Recovery is in stages a radical acceptance of ourself .
- True Recovery is the passionate spirit of our child within held by the consciousness of the adult.
- True connection with the child within comes from the true child withins intuitional voice.
- True contact with our child within brings tremendous ingenuity to the task of studying our recovery.
- True contact with the child within brings tremendous ingenuity to the task of studying our recovery.
- True recovery for our child within is to do with authenticity.
- Trust and Consent is so easily underestimated.
- Trust your child within
- Trusting our child withins negative feelings
- Truth comes from deep within us. Truth pre-dates our traumas and our consciousness
- Truth is being as realistic as we can – especially in processing all our negative evidence.
- Truth is revealed
- Truthful Ten Stages Intuition is knowing of something beyond time
- Trying to make friends with your false self is like trying to have a genuine relationship with a narcissist. You will only be dancing with your devil.
- Ultra-Recovery Tutorials
- Uncertainty is my friend ushering in my Child Within.
- Uncovering the child within at the start of the ten stages.
- Unless a moment comes in your own recovery when you are willing to take responsibility for all of your past
- Unresolved traumas and the subtle interaction of disrespect block our vision from finding our truth.
- Until one acknowledges the child within yourself
- Using words to describe what our intuition tells us makes it easy for us and our child to express what we feel.
- Variable and strategic thought block
- Very often we who have experienced childhood abuse have coped at least in part through some degree of deep dissociation.
- WE DON’T FEEL ANYTHING We are disengaged With People and Life
- WE are haunted by anxiety and stress of having to keep escaping our genuine feelings
- WE are so stuck in our egos that everything revolves around me
- WE can come to a point at the stages where we can decide to become consistent
- WE come to believe that since there is a child within me
- WE have become convinced that the deepest desire within each of us is to be liberated from the controlling influences of our own child within.
- WE practice both — a constant evolution and a consistent revolution at the Stages.
- WE spent so much time reacting and responding to everyone else
- WE the "Grown-ups" are convinced we have successfully outgrown
- Wabi Sabi is delicious but you don't eat it!
- Waking up the child within is unpleasant
- Was the first
- We believe that our trauma always denotes the rejection of a part of the self that seeks self-expression.
- We *know* what our next move is
- We COULD NOT stop dissociating when we wanted to.
- We COULD NOT stop dissociating when we wanted to. We do not attach a moral judgment to the word “Addiction”. It is a simple statement of fact.
- We Thank You Florida this week we are going for 7000 views
- We admit that the root of our problem is the trauma we experienced as a child and acknowledge
- We all have developed an inner judgemental critic
- We all need Recovery bypass surgery
- We all need fellow students on this healing journey to the child within us
- We all want a perfect explanation. Now We’ve had to learn
- We and we alone have the power to recharge our lives.
- We are a pin cushion to a sensory stimulation bombardment that exists all around us
- We are addicted to forms of dissociation because we have lost
- We are addicted to that feeling of incompleteness we're always struggling for some other diagnosis to be complete.
- We are addicted to the multiple hits of dissociation.
- We are adult human beings
- We are all born perfect and with unlimited intuition.
- We are annoyed
- We are born to matter to ourself to our child within and experience the belonging that results while inspiring others to do the same.
- We are careful not to become aggressive or self centred in our efforts to be more compassionate.
- We are discussing choices in regular life that scare us.
- We are doing the human race the highest service by realising our child within
- We are ending 2016 after the most dynamic year for the ten stages culminating in the southern Spain roadshow finishing our quest in Portugal. What a wonderful experience
- We are forced to deny the painful and troubling reality surrounding our childhood
- We are gently lead to rediscover our child withins appetite for wonder and curiosity
- We are giving our child within a very important gift by nurturing
- We are happy to announce that the Stagers team have been working on an exciting new project
- We are intent on building healthy self worth our goal is autonomy.Fellowships
- We are living in a self-traumatising society
- We are living in the age of intuition and child within evolution.
- We are lost
- We are lost and will now have the beautiful capacity to delude ourself into thinking that I'm almost recovered!
- We are none of us mindless
- We are not what we think we are
- We are now at our Stages crossroad.
- We are now living in the age of intuition the child's within evolution.
- We are often unaware of the different lives we lead or our dissociated state in general
- We are peculiarly susceptible to trauma and our invariable response is to pretend it’s not happening to us as children
- We are ruled by our past—not by our truth.
- We are so brainwashed that they do not even realise how unhappy we are
- We are truly gifted at The Ten Stages
- We are unwittingly being constantly influenced or covertly controlled by this semi-conscious child within.
- We are what we hide.
- We are wired to survive; which means we seek to avoid pain instead of choosing to feel good.
- We are wise. We already know. We have all the answers within us. Right... now.
- We ask ourself
- We at The Ten Stages refer to the Stages often as The Child Within. Why is this?
- We at the stages are into mind remodelling or building new healthy visual models so that they represent the complexity and interdependence of reality accurately
- We became obsessive forced to make conquests with women/men
- We become an adult who is imprisoned no longer by our child Withins reactions.
- We become lonely and drift inside a dissociated relationship.
- We begin to see in the ten stages the false in our recovery relationships
- We begin to see our life through the matrix of “what is happening to me NOW”
- We begin to understand we have picked up baggage that we carry threw life
- We believe and know that it takes BOLD action in order to live out our recovery at the ten stages.
- We believe that the very essence of our trauma in the ten stages is early childhood powerlessness.
- We belong to our child within. We must remember this if we are to be real and true.
- We block life’s attempts to enter our bubble for we fear abandonment.
- We call this the Stagers Spring.
- We can either see EVERYTHING as a miracle or NOTHING as one. We get to choose.
- We can have sole ownership of our vision. And the Child Within will give us what we want within our vision.
- We can never obtain peace in our outer world until we make peace with our child within.
- We can observe in any small child the way in which fragments of consciousness flow together and form the ego.
- We can only become fully recovered on our own.
- We can only truly show up and be happy when all our child withins needs are being met
- We can tend to associate SO much pain with being who we really are.
- We cannot examine the workings of our mind from afar
- We cannot forget that our child withins worst fear is abandonment.
- We choose to see ourselves and others with Loving-Kindness and compassion.
- We come to admit that we have a true child within that can heal and regain control over our lives
- We come to believe that meditation and the quietening of our created parental voice begins to relax the judgemental voices that we have picked up in our dysfunctional childhoods.
- We come to believe that we have to throw in the towel
- We come to experience that in our ten stage meditations we begin quietening our falsely created parental voice
- We come to see how a few of us struggle with great diligence and anguish to heal the traumas we carry.
- We come to the acknowledgement that we have retained a perfect child within. First we acknowledge that perfect child within.
- We compensated for lack of nurturing as a child by immersing ourselves in fantasy.
- We could only dissociate in order to cope with it
- We cultivate our relationship with our child within when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known
- We cultivate recovery in the ten stages
- We develop the ability to hear our own intuitive voice threw the increasing contact with our child within
- We do not look outside ourself for truth while we neglect the truth buried within.
- We do not protect the self-deceptive from their lies.
- We do not squander our RECOVERY in trifling battles with disconnected people
- We do well to listen to our Child Within
- We don't create that inner connection to our child within which allows a new evolution to take place.
- We don't really want to grow up
- We don’t deny the negativity and pain of the past
- We don’t need to be happy or not suffering. Nor do we need to be perfect or enlightened.
- We dread becoming who we really are because we fear that this new person will be judged by others
- We dream of our recovery. we feel. We see others making it happen.
- We encounter the child within that’s been in hiding. You see
- We encourage students to become real adults by healing the wounds of their childhood.
- We enjoy the benefits of emotional integration
- We feel at the Stages that we have found the explanation for why we are suffering so much.
- We finally come to admit that we have a true self our child within that can heal and regain control over our lives
- We find as we progress the ten stages that we generate the capacity to grieve the abuse
- We find that every single student of the stages we've ever spoken to had a tipping point
- We find that we have a strength within of our own that is great enough to do all that is necessary in our life.
- We find that we have created relationships from a place that lacks personal integrity and self-esteem.
- We focus on others to keep from contacting our child within.
- We focus on our internal growth at The Stages
- We focus on our internal growth at The Ten Stages
- We force our children
- We give ourself permission to feel and experience all of our emotions. In order to do that
- We gradually came to accept the fact that we do have a Child Within
- We grasp that the root of our problem is not our addictions
- We have a Core identity our child within which is the original person born in the body.
- We have a compulsion to repeat the same behaviour that originally caused us pain and left us feeling helpless
- We have a human being in front of us who has a software problem. It’s not a hardware problem.
- We have addiction limitations. They are worth befriending. They teach us a lot.
- We have attracted into our lives those who will perfectly push our dissociation buttons for us.
- We have become a masters of our dissociated world.
- We have become afraid of change because it's SO much easier to blame someone else
- We have become aware at the stages of having been misunderstood as a child
- We have become cemented into denial in place with a rose-colored fantasy that has removed our ability to think critically and we call this recovery
- We have become our co-creator of our recovery
- We have been asked how the Child Within can be recognised.
- We have come to believe that we are addicted. We are addicted to dissociation.
- We have created our explanation for what we see as a failed life.
- We have created relationships from a place that lacks personal integrity and self-esteem.
- We have developed great faith in the child withins ability to manifest through us
- We have due to constant dissociation anaesthetised ourselves against overwhelming loss.
- We have during the ten stages to grieve what has been done to us
- We have dyslexia in our ten stage family and a fellow member spoke to me and apologised.
- We have found that every single one of us that have made contact with our child within
- We have gained awareness in our studies and this empowers us and eliminates the trauma as a risk factor for relapse into dissociation.
- We have grown up in an environment that is less-than-nurturing to our child within
- We have identified an important method of unlocking our child within in the ten Stages.
- We have inherited Fear it is a toxic and very fast spreading virus of the mind.
- We have just crashed the 110
- We have learned in taking part in the ten stage quest over thousands of kilometres in ten spiritual places in southern Spain.
- We have limiting beliefs
- We have lost trust in our own essential nature our child within.
- We have made the decision that life was not worth living – it was something to ‘get through’ as smoothly and mindlessly as possible until we could die.
- We have never known a student to portray the parents more negatively than we actually experienced them in childhood
- We have never seen it
- We have often compensated for our lack of nurturing as a child by immersing ourselves in fantasy.
- We have once more escaped into the depths of our dissociation we attempt to escape from the reality of our world.
- We have sole ownership of our vision within the ten stages.
- We have spent so much time focused on what we can’t control
- We have suffered all our lives from an oppressive feeling of guilt
- We have to attract a recovered life that supports and encourages us to live with our child withins power.
- We have to become conscious at the stages of our own child within.
- We have to become observers at the ten stages in how dissociations are formed
- We have to complete our action stages to see them work
- We have to finally face the pain
- We have to go back to experience our belief systems as very little children
- We have to learn to die to the finite game we’re playing with such great seriousness
- We have to make contact with our child within.When we speak of listening with compassion
- We have to start building a practice of meditation using the magnificent tool that is our mind to start reprogramming the part of our us that has become our own worst enemy.
- We have to stop being afraid to feel.
- We just have to put my faith back into our child within
- We know Life is hard
- We know by our own experience as we make contact with our re-awakened child within
- We know how to cultivate plants for heaven’s sake – why not pay as much attention to our minds?
- We know in our own experience as we become in contact with our re-awakened child within
- We learn in the ten stages to sit and we stop trying to silence the mind.
- We learn to recognise our child within
- We live imprisoned in our old convictions
- We live in a society where the emotional experience of "love" is conditional on behaviour.
- We looked up addiction in online dictionaries: “The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.”
- We make a decision to become our authentic selves
- We may not know it at this exact moment
- We might become aware of how addicted we can be to our devices
- We must connect with the mind of the child within in order to grasp the deeper meaning of our life journey.
- We must delve back into our childhood to be able to recover our lost power of intuition
- We must delve into the memories of our childhood to be able to recover our power.
- We must learn to meditate we cannot examine the workings of our mind from afar
- We must listen to the child that we once were
- We must listen to the child within
- We must regain the mind of our child within in order to grasp the deeper meaning of life.
- We must respect ourselves - and part of respecting ourselves is to realise that the myth of separation isn't true and that we are all one child inhabiting many bodies.
- We need Recovery bypass surgery when our fear blocks us from feeling our feelings and recognising our child trapped within
- We need a child within us who loves me fully.
- We need a strong
- We need as adults to be mentally shouted at by our true intuitive voices that often remain hidden with our child within.
- We need to acknowledge that all our symptoms and all our behaviours were communications.
- We need to acquire our intuitive voice by accessing our child within.
- We need to connect to our child within when our fear blocks us from feeling our feelings.
- We need to develop a loving relationship with our child within.
- We need to develop loving-kindfulness for ourselves first.
- We need to find the courage to say 'NO'
- We need to find the courage to say 'NO' to the shadow voices of people that are not serving us
- We need to know we can do anything we desire.
- We need to travel deep within side ourselves to reconnect to our frozen child within.
- We need totally divest ourself of our belief that we cannot really take care of ourself and heal our own wounds
- We needn’t invent the capacity to recover for our child within
- We often don’t like the feelings that accompany the stages of our growth in the Stages
- We re-learn and make contact to tell the story of our child withins life.
- We recover when we are allowed to study the expansive urge of the truth of our child within.
- We replace the depression of the alcoholic with the grandiosity and dissociation of so-called recovery.
- We say the longest journey we will take is not anywhere "out there" but back to the child within.
- We seek friendship with other evolving children within who are committed to their own emotional healing.
- We seek out situations
- We sense that with patience and perseverance we can bring the light of our original truth into all the dark and unconscious recesses of our constructed shadow self
- We should each try to be the first to show respect to each other
- We spend our lives carefully planning and manoeuvring ways to avoid feeling abandoned.
- We start our journey as Recovery Wild Child we are visionaries who journey into the wilderness of our own recovery
- We start to acknowledge our replicated familial history of betrayal
- We start to dis-engage without dissociational constant drama this mindset is used to disengage ourselves from another's dissociated drama when direct contact is unavoidable.
- We start to identify our subconscious triggers after a time they come unbidden
- We start to recover when we connect with the expansive urge for the truth of our child within.
- We start to understand that when we communicate with the child within
- We start work on laying down a floor of silence in our meditation to allow the child within a welcoming mat to inhabit us on a gentle trusting basis.
- We still inhabit a nursery nightmare where abuse or trauma is going to happen ‘next’ and the only remedy they know is not to look – to deny.
- We stop loving our enemies to the degree that we prevent them from incriminating themselves with our truth.
- We teach children how to measure
- We tend to carry so much shame with us when it comes to feeling our feelings because we believe that feeling our fear or negativity are “unspiritual.”
- We tend to learn through pain and destruction
- We that have been emotionally brutalised by the rejection of family
- We the dissociated have used often addiction as a temporary medication for deeply hidden emotional pain.
- We the passionate recovered are the raw force of our own lives
- We the passionate recovered of the Ten Stages are the raw force of change in our own lives
- We the passionate recovered of the ten stages are the raw force of our own lives
- We think
- We trace the roots of emotional problems and addictive behaviour
- We use the social media the way an alcoholic uses drink.
- We use whatever ‘verbal childhood spanners’ that come immediately to hand to understand the rage and anger that spews forth from our child within.
- We want to say a BIG and grateful thank you! We are so grateful to you for all your comments
- We were created perfect
- We were neglected as children
- We were not born full of shame or to blame for something
- We who are dissociated call ourselves recovered.
- We who are dissociated do not suffer.
- We who are not fully conscious
- We who cannot handle the pain and vulnerability of growth are consigned to stay stuck in life.
- We who enter recovery do not know why we have become addicted
- We who fail to complete this process of grief live forever in a limbo of partial misery
- We who have completed the stages are free of trauma.
- We who have developed dissociation as a method of coping in recovery are not easily emotionally ruffled.
- We who have dissociated feel we have mastered forgiveness.
- We who have healed our violated child within into maturity can approach conflict and an enemy in a nonreactive way.
- We who have not healed our wounds of childhood have a propensity for violence
- We who have not resolved our troubled childhood issues have a propensity for violence
- We who hear the messages in the stages become shocked
- We who lived most of our lives committed to dissociation delusion and self-fantasy
- We who stands apart from our norm do so at great risk.
- We who take the time to understand our relationship with our child within
- We who were brought up in a controlling manner often develop people pleasing tendencies
- We will become stuck in the anti-chamber to death locked within our own pathology.
- We will begin to be the Best Dissociate in the world
- We will no longer neglect our child within for we have learned to come home to ourselves
- We will totally accept ourself believing that we can really take care of ourself and heal our own childhood wounds
- We would describe the child within in these words:
- We've spent so much time trying to fit in
- Weaponising Mindfulness: Living with pain in a weaponised mind
- Webinars are great for anyone unable to attend meetings or retreats
- Welcome
- Welcome onboard
- Welcome to 2017 Our Year of EMOTIONAL EMANCIPATION. FREEDOM FROM Childhood FEARs.
- Welcome to The Stage of Beginning Again!
- Welcome to the living room an experience without chaos and drama
- Well I have returned from an extended tour of Spain speaking and communicating this truly wonderful program in Marbella
- What about mild addicts
- What about the mortality rate of the child within?
- What happens to the child within when the home itself becomes the unsafe?
- What haunts are not the dead
- What if it is true that nothing was wrong with you? What if you are actually perfect?
- What if self-love can be cultivated through the high-definition mirrors that are The Studies at The Ten Stages?
- What is The Child Within?
- What is a Dissociation Curse? Definition of a Dissociational Curse.:
- What is holding us back from the life that we truly want to live?
- What is the Child Within and Why is it so important?
- What is waiting time costing us?
- What makes us so different is the belief in that reincarnation of consciousness the evolution of nature and the manifestation of our child within.
- What the Stages shows is that it is actually the good child - the family hero role -who is the most emotionally dishonest and out of touch
- What we are suffering from is fear induced by the actions of parental injustice
- When bareness reveals a merit born in the addiction of struggling.
- When our child within wants freedom
- When repressed traumatic memories and events are acknowledged
- When we acknowledge our Child Within and really take note of our intuitive voice each day we can realise our full potential.
- When we act or speak in a way that makes us feel good about ourself
- When we are dissociated we are not at peace with ourselves at all.
- When we are dissociated/escaping we are not at peace with ourselves at all.
- When we are dissociative
- When we are finally ready to start dealing with our addiction
- When we are studying the ten stages our abusers and our subtle family abuser use a form of Gaslighting
- When we are upset
- When we become aware that we’ve attempted to forget the child within ourselves
- When we become tuned in emotionally to our child withins feelings
- When we cannot balance our child withins emotions ourselves
- When we contemplate the idea that we matter
- When we courageously confront our past in the ten stages we discover how much we have gained from our apparent losses.
- When we face difficult times in The Ten Stages
- When we feed and support our own happiness
- When we finally have experience of truth in the ten stages it demands our allegiance.
- When we focus only on our problem
- When we have made a decision to proceed forward on our path toward full recovery
- When we hear the messages in the stages we become shocked
- When we join The Ten Stages we quickly come to the realisation that we live out of a shadow self
- When we join the stages study course we often come to the realisation that different fragments of ourselves have lived at different stages in our past recovery efforts.
- When we journey to the child within with our new mind set of recovery
- When we learn in the Ten Stages that we can
- When we listen
- When we load up a present-day situation with pain from the past
- When we look back we recognise that our old patterns of dissociation often lead us into addiction
- When we lose control and act out on others
- When we make a decision to join the stages
- When we make our first tentative attempts at contact with our child within we need to re-visit an old method of communication Intulexia
- When we meet our recovery of life with our new mind
- When we move toward others with Kindfulness
- When we reboot our software we start to understand that enlightenment is our true nature and our home
- When we recount our childhood things happen.
- When we recount our childhood things happen. Somehow in the telling
- When we resolve our deepest buried traumas in the ten stages
- When we resolve our traumatic past
- When we rest in our own true nature that of the child
- When we see a world where everything is connected our hearts open more easily
- When we spend too much time in the future then is also easy to get swept away by disaster scenarios.
- When we start living our recovery from the inside out
- When we start our studies and if you are reading this you have.
- When we start to acknowledge the current relationships in our life
- When we start to connect to the ten stages at a deeper level
- When we start to understand how dissociation works it has serious implications
- When we start to work on the Ten Stages we come across the word dissociation
- When we step back from ourselves
- When you study in other recovery groups the wrongs you have committed before you study the wrongs done to you
- Where we carry unresolved childhood traumas we will replicate them on to our relationships with everyone.
- Where we decide the fate of others
- Where we decide the recovery path of others
- Whilst The Ten Stages is new. The answer is timeless.To become recovered from addiction is to heal the ancient wounds that caused the despair in the first place.
- Who you are is infinite; you are a child within and we have been sent here with a specific gifts of perfection that are only ours to express.
- Who you are is the innocent perfect child within who can ask for recovery at any time
- Why does the ten stages send such a seismic rumble through society
- Why our ten stage practice of child within openness is for you:
- Why we use our connection to the child within in the ten stages.
- With The Stages :We can learn from our bad decisions.
- With dissociation we have created a rut in our mind that never leads anywhere better.
- With each unseen dissociation we are awakened to in our recovery we take a further movement
- With strong self-reflection of all my dissociations
- With ten stage practice we learn to override our rational mind and focus instead on the flow of information coming to us intuitively
- With trauma buried within
- Within TenStage+ we do not use others’ lack of healing as an excuse for not healing ourselves.
- Within most people is a child who is merely imitating being an adult.
- Within the Stages we become autonomous cognitive companions
- Within the Ten Stages we start to understand where our adult depressive state has come from
- Within the ten stage courses as we emerge from the fog of our dissociated dream-like behaviour.
- Within us is an entity our child within
- Without freedom from our past
- Without removing the root causes of addiction/dissociation
- Women must remember that being feminine and free is not weak. Vulnerability and intuition is not weak.
- Wonderful Ten Stages Study Course at our June student training day taster
- Wonderful meeting at RANE Today
- Worried about negative attachments?
- Writing about and attempting to define what life as a member of Ten Stages feels like is tough.
- Yes
- Yet we yearn for others—a conscious Riverside Community.
- You are in control of your life.
- You can discover for yourself the most important and practical thing any human being can ever learn-how to be in touch with your child within.
- You don't want to attach to people who must remain attached to who you've been.
- You may be operating under the assumption that a temporary
- You see – our child within doesn't need any personal growth work.
- Your reaction is yours to share
- You’re only regret that you made was... didn't really try to contact your Child Within. Join us every Tuesday .
- a breaking point
- a character flaw
- a choice. Recovery is not really an emotion.
- a complete letting go.
- a crisis time
- a critical parent voice
- a defect in spirit or a personality disorder.
- a dissociated life
- a limiting history that we don’t even know are limiting us.
- a lot but dissociated?
- a sense of altruism and self-worth — these are key solution areas in the ten stages.
- a sense of brotherhood or sisterhood
- a spiritual illness
- a survival strategy lodged in the subconscious that rules our life today
- a wave of tearful recognition washes over us as we recognise and re-connect to our child within.
- a week or a month without believing or promoting ONE excuse to escape your recovery.
- about whether or not our needs and feelings are OK or not.
- absorbing energy negative and positive historically from people around us.
- acting on and having unwavering faith in our Child Withins intuition.
- alcohol
- all our science
- along with our idea of ourselves…
- an increase in manifesting and refining our individual gifts of power and authority over ourselves.
- ancient dissociations
- ancient learned dissociations we will invariably act them out
- ancient life roads that have caused us dysfunctional behaviours becomes ever more clear to us
- ancient traumatic history
- and afraid
- and allowing ourselves to truly grieve painful incidents from our past that we may have long buried.
- and anxiety-producing.
- and become locked inside our Child Within where this mental defence/coping strategy has ceases to work
- and continuous.
- and despair
- and disappointment.
- and efficiently convert a disturbance into peace.
- and faith in our child.
- and float downstream."
- and for that matter short term recovery is that of dissociation within groups (being split-off from one’s deepest truth) which mimics recovery
- and freedom is the only condition for happiness.
- and freed—we become RECOVERED.
- and have seen our numbers constantly healthily grow.
- and healed children heal people.
- and in every moment
- and inertia.
- and inner peace.
- and it threatens the still-traumatised and shaming groups
- and joy.
- and learn to validate our child withins perceptions
- and learn to validate our child's perceptions
- and left this child within--and its emotional trauma--long behind
- and live a life free from dissociation
- and meditation is our opportunity to thank the ego for protecting us while simultaneously giving it the day off.
- and more me.
- and narcissistic wounds
- and not to praise
- and often most specifically to abuses/dysfunctions by parents.
- and originality.
- and others over and over again.
- and our families?
- and our passion.
- and people that affirm our intelligence
- and protecting our intuition.
- and self-worth and avoid situations or people who are hurtful harmful
- and so what you heard most often or what made the most sense to you was safest to accept as true
- and sometimes overtly
- and swim far
- and that terrifies the norm. It terrifies many parents themselves
- and that’s why we come to the stages.
- and the happier you become.
- and the only part of life that we can truly control
- and the origin of it
- and to absorb this into our present reality.
- and to that 24/7 connectivity that has us always available
- and to the costs of our dissociations.
- and triply
- and ultimately healing your traumas is
- and ultimately healing your traumas is siding with your abusers and perpetuating the addictive cycle of self-delusion.
- and unintegrated.
- and we at The Ten Stages are committed to making it the best year of your life.
- and we find peace and completion.
- and we have to examine this fact we have become a weird self constructed mess.
- and we remember what lies buried within all of us.
- and what stifles it in our daily lives?
- and who still lives within us.
- anger and jealousy originate - within us.
- anxious
- applying the lessons of our Ten Stage Course
- are kept confidential.
- as more and more of our needs are met in stages recovery
- as the shadow adult self
- as the ten stages
- as we are conditioned to see it.
- as we call them
- at last we come to deal with the roots of our addictions is not as simple as we have been lead to believe.
- authenticity
- basically tell us that we are somehow not all right
- be as tapped in
- be they from childhood or later in life
- beautiful process
- because both are insulting.
- because in his/her healing process it
- because it is so simple and obvious
- because our inner compass is damaged.
- because they’ve swollen and need our attention.
- because we are having a loving-kindfulness awakening.
- because we hid it from others
- become mature
- behaviour and resulting in deep self doubt.
- being the processes of actively noticing our new beginnings.
- beliefs and rules that we hear as we grow up.
- believes and habits
- bending ourself out of shape in order to belong
- blocked phrases.
- breakups
- broke out of our cloned parental prison.
- broken sentences
- but a co-creator of our life with our child-within.
- but as we are──or
- but can artfully
- but have such a deep core of self-love that they can defend themselves with.
- but if we're procrastinating
- but instead to see the other person as a mirror of his or her own life.
- but its process is awkward
- but like a plant we grow with branches
- but not everyone listens to it.
- but only because he/she has no unconscious
- but opens the door to our child withins healing and growth.
- but remain a reflection of those who wounded us.
- but that map was not made for you.
- but the complexities of human life and our history of abuse cause us to forget.
- but the face and shape of our recovery changes.
- but the gaps left within us by the secrets of others
- but valuable.
- but we also know it doesn’t mean it cannot be wonderful…free of guilt and fear.
- but we do the opposite.
- but we don't do it. We spend time thinking about it.
- but what we hold inside in the absence of an compassionate witness.
- but you can change its impact.
- can have different opinions
- can not be transmitted like a mathematical formula
- can offer is nonjudgmental loving
- can provide a method to quiet the mind and the body that we can have control over; a sort of self-administered medication.
- can provide a way to quiet the mind
- can you detach from the nightmares of others and begin to live our own recovery?
- chances are we’ll fall into someone else’s plan.
- children end up carrying their burden of unresolved traumas and also their unfilled dreams.
- children hit their peak with 10x the synapses and 2x the energy burn of an adult brain. And it’s all downhill from there.
- clear as a bell.
- comes from the wounded child within.
- common sense and level headedness.
- communication and personal contact
- compassionate space
- compassionately and generously
- conditioned to tune out our intuition.
- conditioned.
- confidential a sane place to be able
- confidential.
- consciously
- cults
- death and destruction.
- define narcissism as that part of the adult personality which holds the ancient emotional needs that were never met in childhood and which live on anachronistically
- demean
- dependent on others
- depressed
- depression or other emotional problems set in as we deny the sad reality of our abandoned child within and the neglect we endured long ago.
- deprived of the power of words
- different parts of ourselves live at different stages
- different parts of ourselves live at different stages of healing from dissociation.
- different parts of ourselves live on a different healing timeline
- directionless
- dirty
- disconnected routes most adults have restricted themselves to
- discuss and study the 10 Stages
- discuss and study the 10 Stages.
- dishonest beliefs about our parents and our childhood
- distorted reality we will fail to recover truly.
- disturbed and pissed off our parents implanted this self-doubt in us long ago
- dive deep
- does not need the approval of others
- each of us
- either locked up or free.
- emerges during childhood.
- encouraging
- enraged
- enthusiasm
- evaporate.
- even our reenactments of our wrong life threatening decisions offer us a chance to learn.
- even subtly forcing them
- except they are currently operating on infantile survival strategies.
- expectations or assumptions.
- external structure collapses
- extreme loneliness
- failure
- far from their unconscious families
- fears and angers.
- felt
- fester in our unconscious
- filled with brambles
- flight and freeze response.
- for it tells us of a life wonderful in its scope; of a love beyond our fondest dreams; of a freedom which the child craves.
- forget you ever had this dissociative thought and stop heading for the chocolate
- free the spirit.
- friends and society.
- frightened and frozen child locked within.
- from one failed romantic obsession to the next
- frustrated
- frustrating
- fully present
- gambling as a way to push difficult emotions and upsetting trauma content further away.
- gather with like-minded people on our personal growth journey and immerse ourself in The Stages.
- gentle and effective
- gesture
- gets stuck in a state of suspended animation forever
- getting easily distracted or trying to have a crystal clear picture of a recovery plan
- greater amounts of the drug or acting out behaviours are needed to reach the same numbing out for our child within.
- grief and suffering or we slowly wither away.
- grieve the traumas
- grieved
- guilt and failure always pointed at us.
- guilt or shame.
- gurus sponsors and mentors can and do become manifestations of the worst of our family systems.
- has been overcome
- has to face the same issues.
- have a built in destructive system
- having found in the last five years that every single one of us who have made a decision to make contact
- helpless and afraid.
- honour and cherish ourself
- hopeless
- hours
- how much time do we spend avoiding our childhood pain?
- how to weigh.
- humour
- if its members go too far in expressing their true selves
- if our child within mattered – what would we do?
- if we are unaware of how our mind's continual thought-streams of low-presence grasping thoughts
- if we take care to look for them.
- if you start with the assumption that you exist as pure consciousness
- if you truly embrace this Truth
- illogical and counter-intuitive.
- in an unguarded moment
- in every moment we begin to move our perceptions into the magic of our child within.
- in every moment we begin to step into its magic.
- in order to get the ten stages – it requires telling the truth
- in the sharing of experience
- inadequate
- individuality and expression
- inferior
- innocent
- inside us.
- intimidate
- into our recovery passion.
- is because we are unavailable to ourself and our child within.
- is in no way shackled by the linear
- is our perception.
- is primitive and childlike – Albert Einstein
- is so intense that if you actually believe that it can be fulfilled it sends you into the deepest emotional orbit
- is that we who are blinded to our own traumatic history have a difficult time admitting to ourselves who we really are
- is the dissolution of our unconscious blocks from childhood
- is the dissolution of the unconscious.
- is the most overwhelming
- is the same as self-knowledge
- is usually measured by how much we think we are desirable to other people.
- it becomes easier for someone else to become like the child within.
- it fosters a sense of desperation
- it fosters a sense of desperation.
- it has dissolved.
- it is essential that those recovering from dissociation interact on a regular basis with others
- it is really a disfunction of our memory.
- it just does.
- it takes a while to acclimatise to our primitive stage on life’s healing journey.
- it will set you free
- it's programmed
- its honest and it only relies on one thing that you make one friend yourself.
- its not easy because it requires constant communication.
- jettisoned
- jobs
- joyful and empathetic.
- joyfully
- just a slow dimming of our internal passion
- kindfulness is a working solution for the ten stages
- lack of will power or a spiritual disease.
- leave a comment and change someone's life today.
- let our child break away from the constrained beliefs of parenthood.
- liberated into your birth right
- life is play
- like a now-useless appendage
- like drugs or alcohol.
- living in our reality is a full conscious connection with our core of truth the child within.
- loving-kindfulness
- making us into very sick society.
- may even be actively opposed or undermined by them.
- me
- measured against reality
- mental illness and most chronic illness which are linked to our childhood loss and trauma.
- miraculous process
- misery
- missing the recovery spark to light you back on fire
- months or even years later
- more intense even than heroin.
- most familiar feeling of the child within
- mutual mind-studiers.
- my childhood experiences weren't that bad
- my trespasses and my shadow.
- negative affirmations
- new variation on the theme of being addicted.
- no matter what a parent may have told you
- no matter what someone who was living their life based on fear may have led you to believe
- no one had perfect parents or the perfect childhood.
- no pain and no anger – just an ability to be authentic
- nonverbal
- not a half.
- not a symptom.
- not a victim of our life.
- not blame
- not discursive
- not someone else's—no matter the consequences.
- not theory or belief.
- not your wounds.
- now that you have discovered the truth of the child within you
- of having quiet in our lives and time for contemplations
- of stepping out into the unknown
- of us feel repulsion initially toward our Child Within and blame him or her for our issues.
- of which addiction is just one subset.
- old coping strategies and addictions
- once released does not protect our self-deception from our lies our dissociations.
- once released does not protect the self-deceptive from their lies.
- one moment
- one stage at a time. It's small challenges that add up to a big leap.
- ongoing
- opening up a new channel of communication
- or demeaning to us.
- or enraged and we lose control and act out on others
- or even still today?
- or isolate us.
- or numb.
- or patient or addicts or alcoholics but friends.
- or sensation.
- or shortness of breath.
- or unfulfilled.
- or we could choose instead to continue to dissociate ourself and not recover.
- or wind chimes. It's the natural consequence of having self-esteem
- our child acts. This is our meditation.
- our child within and all the challenges one stage at a time.
- our child within has a chance to emerge.
- our child within has to be emotionally self-sufficient and quickly learns to disassociate.
- our child within holds our accumulated childhood hurts
- our child within is already perfect? What would that feel like?
- our child within is home.”
- our child within speaks. When we obeys our inner voice
- our child within supports us in miraculous ways.
- our decorum and our identities. Truth tears through denial and disrespects lies.
- our fears and the world will begin to come up once we start to take action at the stages.
- our friends
- our functioning
- our goals and our real belief system.
- our healing journey begins.
- our imaginations balanced by careful observations and compassion.
- our intention to awaken our child within will usually not be recognised by most people; or worse
- our intrinsic wholeness is still here:
- our intuitive voice requires we to stay true to ourself.
- our life does not get better by chance
- our life starts to change around.
- our motivations
- our natural intuition
- our problems do not go away.
- our sadness
- our testiness.
- our values
- our visions
- out beyond the need for credit and for glory is the true field of our recovery
- out beyond the need to be right
- overwhelmed with deep shame
- own inner truth
- peacefully
- perceptions
- personality disorders
- place your hand on your heart.
- places and things
- playful and self-directed.
- playing children who understand nothing.
- pleasurable fix can give you the relief you’re really seeking.
- probably never talked to it and likely didn't know it existed.
- psychic balance
- punish
- pure silence.
- queasi- ness
- reason
- recovery becomes simple.
- recovery can be the natural state of our own being
- relax
- religion
- religions
- rituals
- safe and connected recovery mindset which is creating a safe space to journey beyond our here and now.
- sane place to be able
- self control
- sex
- shame
- shoots and roots moving of their own volition into liberation from our dysfunctions.
- shopping
- sight
- simply believing that a lack of love from a parent can lead to a lifetime search for reconciliation and living in an interior world of conflict.
- skilful
- small
- so are the seeds of awakened understanding of the ten stages and happiness handed down to us from our ancestors.
- so joy is cultivated
- so that we respond more creatively
- so they devise a mental one – “this isn’t happening to me”
- so-called adults are not truly adults at all
- so-called adults are not truly adults at all.
- sociable
- sometimes we are in a DISSY state
- sometimes we are in an excited state.
- soporific mind that creates and clings to addiction.
- sound
- space
- stop and acknowledge it.
- stuck unconsciously in the past and unable to escape.
- subjugate
- suffering child. We have all had times of difficulty as children and many of us have experienced trauma.
- sweating
- take a step back and breathe.
- takes a maximum of 10 minutes and can be practiced by anyone.
- taste
- tastes
- that deep within we are perfect. We are born imbued with truth
- that often we escape into a dreamscape is often the first step in our recognition of our problem - and sometimes the most difficult.
- that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own.
- that sense of authenticity is the biggest lie of all.
- that some poems don’t rhyme
- that stranger is you
- that was grafted on to us.
- the Dissociated flee intense emotions that spark the trigger of old traumatic wounds
- the activity of our home grown constructed shadow self.
- the antidote to this induced fear is trust.
- the belief that part of us is eternal emerges early in life and is part of our human nature
- the breakthrough that you’re looking for is waiting for you
- the details of it
- the dissociated sees no problem in re-inventing that which was designed in the first place. We the dissociated are our own creator.
- the fear base
- the function of loving-kindness is to soothe and relieve our difficult emotions.
- the greatest power you can have.
- the impulse to grow induces a crisis to pry Stagers from our blind obedience
- the magic
- the members experience massive social pressure to conform and to buy the denial of the group
- the membership who have read and heard this profound message in the ten stages are shocked
- the more devoted we become
- the more empowered you become
- the most cutting
- the program and our child within
- the saner they will become.
- the sense of not having lived up to our parents' expectations.
- the silent and aware
- the stronger you become
- the subject of this week's meeting is about "finding" time making a commitment to you
- the suppression of emotional freedom.
- the symptoms of our addictions and acting out behaviour
- the truly growing face our own vulnerability on a daily basis.
- the use of prior knowledge and the five senses.
- the value we place in our self
- then every moment .
- then who you think you are - who you believe yourself to be - is at risk of TOTAL annihilation.
- then you must have existed before you were born.
- there is a young
- there is an opportunity for endless possibilities.
- these feelings instead express themselves as symptoms in our life
- Studying the Search for our Truth
- they are ALL man made.
- they are not supposed to be in control.
- they will not be loved or understood by the group.
- think of a little child that is given a taste for drugs.
- tightness of muscles
- time-consuming
- to be different from the expected
- to break the denial.
- to childhood conflicts
- to childhood traumas
- to confront the perpetrators
- to evolve awakened consciousness to our child within.
- to face the painful consequences of our struggle and to persevere.
- to feel the rage
- to learn about ourselves
- to our new ten stagers
- to seduce and then to abandon them
- to understand the dynamics of communicating with the child hidden within
- to whom the kingdom belongs until they have been polluted and contaminated by the stupidity of society and culture.
- traditions
- transparent and spacious essence of mind’s true nature the child within.
- trapped in speechless terror.
- trauma sufferers emotionally “fly away” in our minds to escape the horror we are constantly re-experiencing.
- traumas
- trust and consent helping them to accept anger and other emotions
- turned in
- turned on as you can possibly be
- uncomfortable
- uncomfortable and nervous around people we are not familiar with.
- undermines independence
- unfeeling robots.
- unhappy
- unsteady
- unwanted: and suddenly bam!
- unwarned
- views
- violence stems from adults who have not addressed the child within and instead seek revenge outside.
- we all must face the fact that our past is troubled
- we are both adult and child
- we are doomed to hurt ourselves
- we are likely to bump into some common attitudes
- we are moving along life's path with an anchor down
- we are not seats or eyeballs or end users or consumers. we are human beings
- we are nourishing our ability to love.
- we are sold into the parental messages the “someday” ideas in our life
- we are subtly
- we begin building a new foundation based on the truth about who we really are
- we begin to become aware of our own destructive patterns
- we begin to evolve quite naturally as life intended.
- we can and do rise again.
- we cannot help but acknowledge that there is in fact a terribly violent part of ourself
- we cause violent reactions from our close family and friends
- we come out and live our true life in recovery—no matter what the consequences.
- we come out and live our truth—no matter the consequences.
- we come out and live the truth of our recovery
- we come to conclusions about ourselves and our world and make judgments about who we are
- we decide to live a life based on our truth no matter the consequences.
- we discover a crucial truth
- we don't really want to be happy.
- we don't really want to change
- we enter adulthood as love-deprived
- we enter adulthood as self worth-depleted.
- we experience a miracle.
- we feel what it feels like to be
- we find ourselves vulnerable to crises so much so that we may even fear for our lives.
- we get MORE of the problem.
- we gradually realise that we then have to deal with what caused our addiction in the first place
- we have not found our true voice or our true identity
- we have the ability to block out an awareness of our trauma.
- we hid it from ourselves.
- we just need support and guidance as to how to do this.
- we just put negativity and pain in the proper context as being miracles for our own growth of learning from the pain and problems of childhood.
- we live our truth
- we make the present day reality nearly impossible to understand or resolve.
- we may appear normal and attract no attention.
- we may look to a substance to do that for us
- we mistrust ourselves. We mistrust human nature itself.
- we must accept that we generally see the world as a bundle of personal reactions and that is the cause of so much of our unnecessary unhappiness.
- we must align with our child within.
- we must start to listen to the wounded child inside us.
- we must understand dissociation.Dissociation or DISSY is to understand the confidence tricks of a soporific society
- we need to ask ourselves
- we need to heal our individual and collective insanity.
- we plan - and the attention thus exerted moves towards an object and sticks to it.
- we remember
- we shall avoid doing whatever we consider being pointless or not in the child withins interest.
- we should - be no longer at the whims of other peoples agendas
- we usually think of listening to someone else. But we must also listen to the wounded child within inside us.
- we violate them and disrespect their integrity
- we violate them and disrespect their integrity.
- we want to re-iterate our passion for intuition and share with us how powerful this still small determined voice really is.
- we will never create the life of our recovery.
- we will reach a new perception of ourself.
- we will settle continuously for less and our needs won’t ever get met.
- weeds
- what fears buried inside our child within are we going to face together?
- what if our core
- what is within you will save you.
- what seems like chaos is many times intuition in action.
- what we are seeking is re-connection to the child within us.
- what we are seeking is the child within us.
- what would you start saying to yourself and what would you start saying to others?
- whatever it is – it resides in us and effects our biology. It affects us more than it does any other person.
- when I finally recognise my child within crying out for self-actualisation
- when we establish a solid relationship with our child within
- when we take our power back from people
- when you’re on the path to recovery
- where all that stuff doesn’t seem to matter so much and we just want to be recovered.
- which has been caused by
- which is a method that uses and outside in approach.Allowing for the failure once more of the parent/teacher approach.
- which is the root of all addictions
- which tells us that the path to enlightenment begins with the beginners mind.
- which we often do to inform others we realise we are the beneficiaries.
- who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective
- who have abandoned our child within
- who would you invite in
- who would you let go of
- why don’t traumatised people take good care of themselves?
- why not ask your child within ?
- with ease.
- with full human rights
- worthless
- writing down the truth of our feelings
- yes.
- yes. At risk
- yes. Innocent and naïve
- yes. Uncoordinated and at times confused
- yes. Underdeveloped
- you can inspire others with the child within.
- you open a channel within yourself for receiving creative energy from your child.
- you recognised yourself as a Child.
- you will have great difficulty recognising it in others.
- your questions
- your wound
- “I can’t think properly” . Our Child Within describes its thought disorder from the inside.
- “Vulnerability” as cutting our masks and simply showing the child within who we really are.
- “live-and-let-live” philosophy -- one of “being with
- “our child within has arrived
- ” not “doing to.”
In the Ten Stages we are awakened to our nervous system which has been evolving for millions of years
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
In the Ten Stages we are awakened to our nervous system which has been evolving for millions of our nervous systems is a very powerful and intelligent system that is designed to keep us al…
We are wise. We already know. We have all the answers within us. Right... now.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We are wise.We already know.We have all the answers within us.Right... now. Today, We want to re-iterate our passion for intuition and share with us how powerful the Ten Stages really are. We have …
Who you spend time with is who you become.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"Who you spend time with is who you become."So, you want to be mindful of who you surround yourself with. Make sure you are around people who support your recovery growth, your purpose and who you're…
We should - be no longer at the whims of other peoples agendas
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
When we connect with our recovery purpose - we find the recovery we were born to have. Our relationships improve, and we are surrounded by people who support this new direction in our life. We develo…
MBro DayHab:We ignore the doubts of others. (UPDATED)
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
MBro DayHab:We ignore the doubts of others.And we constantly bounce back up. We are no longer victims but strong, powerful survivors.Remember to connect to our Child Within today in whatever way reso…
It’s no surprise we can fail to tune into our Child Within presence.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
It’s no surprise we can fail to tune into our Child Within presence. How can we listen to the child within, when so many of us barely listen to ourselves? How can we feel their spirit and hear the be…