
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The thing is, in order to get the ten stages – it requires telling the truth
Author: Fraser Trevor
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The thing is, in order to get the ten stages – it requires telling the truth, a lot of the truth and nothing but the truth. You see… intui...

The thing is, in order to get the ten stages – it requires telling the truth, a lot of the truth and nothing but the truth.

You see… intuition intimacy is a byproduct of truth telling.

 in order for us to go deeper, we’ve got to tell the truth. Not some BS cover-up story and not some kind of twisted truth intended to make the other person wrong.

Just the simple truth about how my child within felt.

When we tell them this, they shouted out “BUT IF I DO THAT, THEY MIGHT FIND OUT!”

And we are stunned.

They will find out I feel like a mess. They will find out I feel like a fraud. They will find out I’m imperfect and not worthy. Or so my mind says…

We can’t believe the honesty and pure sincerity of our child within and we stuff down our responses and comment about sharing their truth with their child we have to dissociate.

And I couldn’t help but dissociate because I've had the same fear.

And then I wondered if it is a Universal fear?

Like – do you ever worry about being “found out”?

Not that you committed some crime. But that you aren’t enough, that you are not worthy in some way, and perhaps that you are a mess.

After hearing my child within share this powerful admission, I had a hunch that since my friend had it and I have it – that you might have it to.

So here’s what I have to say.

We're a mess sometimes.

I'm a mess sometimes.

And yet – you are also wise, so am I. You are also beautiful. You are also smart, strong, intelligent and worthy of Recovery.

And yes – there are parts of you that you’re ashamed of. But here’s what’s so cool – when you let those parts out, things can change.

That shame can turn into beauty and self-love.

Someone can only love you in the direct proportion that you are willing to show yourself. Not your masks. Not who you think that you should be. But the real, honest – you.

You want someone who loves your mess.

Who loves your crazy.

Who accepts you as you are, because they know that they are just as messy, crazy and feeling unworthy of love as you are.

If we can all just admit this – and get on with it – we’d experience so much more love, joy, intimacy, and passion.

When you are loved wholly for who you are with no changes, there is nothing that can be more healing. And when you can start to see yourself in this way –the whole game changes.

It might not be permanent, but if you can have moments – then we are making a big stage step towards major progress.

 if you tell on yourself you’re off the hook and your child within is revealed..

If you just admit it, you can let it go, and you have no more secrets. We are, after all, only as sick as our secrets.

When you let go and admit it, accept that you have moments of being a mess and you share that feeling of feeling unworthy at times with the rest of us, then you can step into a larger, freer life.

Do you ever feel like you are going to be “found out”?

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives. #childwithin#10stages


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