
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We begin to see our life through the matrix of “what is happening to me NOW”
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We begin to see our life through the matrix of “what is happening to me NOW” instead of through asking ourself (and others) “what’s wrong ...
We begin to see our life through the matrix of “what is happening to me NOW” instead of through asking ourself (and others) “what’s wrong with us” We are able to see things with a new perspective and a new understanding based more on the truth instead of the lies we believed about ourself that formed from the ways we were regarded and disregarded growing up. 

What about after we have realised that it’s what happened to us, and not what is wrong with us? Although the healing process isn’t an overnight thing, there are a few things that we have learned to do in order to pull ourself back up when We felt weak or when we started thinking that maybe it really was me that was the problem after all. When we begin to see things through that truthful grid of understanding in the ten stages, we are able to change those self-doubts into the understanding that we deserved and always had deserved better treatment.We understand that we come from the perfect child within a healthy foundation Every time we try to understand why these people did this stuff to us or why they didn’t see us or hear us, We reminded ourself that their actions and disregard of us was about them and their ancestral voices it didn’t define us; We reminded ourself that that we are no longer their victim and we deserved better. 

It doesn’t really matter what is historically wrong with them, we just have to know (through looking at the truth leaking details) that we are not who they said we are. And even though we have built a really solid new foundation for our new self-esteem, something that we got stuck in on and off for a while was constantly questioning if we were being too judgemental of the people in our life that were discounting us. We kept going back to that old belief that maybe it was us. Once we have begun building a new foundation based on the truth about who we really are instead of based on how we were taught who we are, we can bring change to our self-talk as well but just how do we do that and really stay strong in the new belief that we are worthy and just as valuable as every other human being? We complete our Ten Stages.

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives. #childwithin#10stages


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