
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Who you are is the innocent perfect child within who can ask for recovery at any time
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We don’t make our identity that we own now, our circumstance. THAT’S the key. We walk into our recovery with EYES WIDE OPEN! The circumsta...
We don’t make our identity that we own now, our circumstance. THAT’S the key. We walk into our recovery with EYES WIDE OPEN!

The circumstances of our present moment DO NOT define us. Who you are is the innocent perfect child within who can ask for recovery at any time, who is blessed and who experiences miracles regularly when we stop blocking them with our inherited fear and doubt.

And NONE of this means that we don’t have to work hard. But when we are driven by your intuition, when we see yourself SURROUNDED BY RECOVERY, when we co-create with our child within, expect it to be hard at first and then watch as our lives begin to be PULLED rather than needing to push it.

Our recovery will become hard first because all the ways of doing things that used to work for us
 no longer work and so we need to adjust and learn the new child within way, in sync and in the flow with our child. THEN, it will become easier once we learn the lay of the intuitive land.

Work hard, serve hard, give hard, surrender, let go and watch the miracle unfold. And expect the tough times. Don’t be a grown up and think that we don’t have to go through them; that adult is just keeping us back from stepping into our freedom.

So what challenges, hard times, hard work and failures can we be grateful for?

And do we see that none of those things is who we really are?

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.


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