We must delve into the memories of our childhood to be able to recover our power. We are stronger than our memories, behaviour and circumstances.
We can influence and transcend our environment by contacting our child hidden within.
We can influence and transcend our environment by contacting our child hidden within.
Our natural ability to reason plus the intuition we were born with are invaluable tools that can help to bring us out of undesired present circumstances.
One major issue that holds a lot of ten stagers back is the belief that they are not worthy to receive something better. Before anything of greater value can come into our lives we must begin to believe we are worthy of the trust of our child within, circumstances and our life that have greater value. If we are keeping ourselves stuck in an abusive or toxic relationship with ourselves, this will need to begin to change. that is our thoughts and belief that we are worthy of happiness within our child's interior relationship with ourselves.
If we lack the recovery we desire, the belief that we are more valuable is at the core to changing our present situation. Once we have the thoughts and beliefs of greater self-esteem through contact with our freed child within, then we can begin to take action.
Action from this place may look like breaking up with persons we are in a toxic relations with.
It is in our thoughts of unworthiness that have created a life that is out of harmony with what we truly desire. Slowly, day by day, as we change our thoughts from unworthiness to worthiness, from doubting our child withins messages and intuition to believing, we will begin to take subtle different actions. These actions will eventually add up one at a time until we don't even recognise our life anymore.
We all want something to change in our lives. We want to grow.
We want to evolve. We want to understand. We desire freedom.
We must begin by acknowledging our child withins worth. We are not worthy because of a degree, an honour or a grade. We are all equally worthy to live this kind of free lifestyle because we are all perfect children within. We must each realise that we are already perfect and then begin to take action from this place of already being perfect, while at the same time honour the perfection of everyone else's child within we meet.
We are powerful beings. Let us step into that power today and declare our perfection as already existing.
Are you feeling perfect today?
The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.
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