
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution
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4:09 PM Child Within Plasticity

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Ten Stages does not heal stagers
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Ten Stages does not heal stagers (those that take the course of study. We are not some crazy deluded self help group. We catalyse heal...
The Ten Stages does not heal stagers

The Ten Stages does not heal stagers (those that take the course of study. We are not some crazy deluded self help group. We catalyse healing. We ultimately have to do the true healing study ourselve…

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30 Oct 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: In recovery we often become sheriffs dealing with outlaws in the dusty Wild West
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
In recovery we often become sheriffs dealing with outlaws in the dusty Wild West: “There’s only room for one of us in this town…” To mak...
In recovery we often become sheriffs dealing with outlaws in the dusty Wild West

In recovery we often become sheriffs dealing with outlaws in the dusty Wild West: “There’s only room for one of us in this town…” To make the analogy fit, the outlaw (i.e. the child within) must lack…

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30 Oct 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Gratification is contrary to recovery
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Gratification is contrary to recovery. Recovery requires boundaries and a depth of insight, qualities antithetical to closet dissociation....
Gratification is contrary to recovery

Gratification is contrary to recovery. Recovery requires boundaries and a depth of insight, qualities antithetical to closet dissociation. But failure to complete the stages is no great loss to us, b…

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30 Oct 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The world is full of heroes and rescuers and martyrs who are drawn like magnets to recovery.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Most of us avoid healing our wounds and instead seek out objects to gratify these wounds – often in the most clever, charming, and even s...
The world is full of heroes and rescuers and martyrs who are drawn like magnets to recovery.

Most of us avoid healing our wounds and instead seek out objects to gratify these wounds – often in the most clever, charming, and even seductive ways. The world is full of heroes and rescuers and ma…

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30 Oct 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: For us to be able to heal we must take responsibility for our child withins wounds.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
For us to be able to heal we must take responsibility for our child withins wounds. We must excavate them, feel our pain, trace our source...
For us to be able to heal we must take responsibility for our child withins wounds.

For us to be able to heal we must take responsibility for our child withins wounds. We must excavate them, feel our pain, trace our sources, place appropriate blame, confront perpetrators either with…

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30 Oct 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The hidden parts of us that drive our addictions into a quick fix solution..
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Everyone is born full of intense need. This is healthy. If we are lucky our parents will meet all of our needs and we will grow optimally,...
The hidden parts of us that drive our addictions into a quick fix solution..

Everyone is born full of intense need. This is healthy. If we are lucky our parents will meet all of our needs and we will grow optimally, straight through to enlightenment, straight through our deve…

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30 Oct 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Shy, uncomfortable and nervous around people we are not familiar with.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
 Becoming conscious of our emotions during adolescence. We are made aware of emotions such as shame, guilt, pride and embarrassment by the...
Shy, uncomfortable and nervous around people we are not familiar with.

 Becoming conscious of our emotions during adolescence. We are made aware of emotions such as shame, guilt, pride and embarrassment by the age of two, but do not fully understand how those emotions a…

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29 Oct 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We are often unaware of the different lives we lead or our dissociated state in general
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We identify our dissociations as a disorder involving a disturbance of our own identity in which two or more separate and distinct person...
We are often unaware of the different lives we lead or our dissociated state in general

We identify our dissociations as a disorder involving a disturbance of our own identity in which two or more separate and distinct personality states control our behaviour at different times. parenta…

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29 Oct 2015
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