What is waiting time costing us? What has waiting for a sign from our life actually cost us in terms of wasted time, lost opportunity and perhaps months, years of decades of wondering “What would have happened if we had tried to reconnect to our child within?”
This is the worst kind of outcome we can imagine – to life a life full of regret in endless dissociation.
Our deep wish for you, since you are reading this blog at this moment, is to not live life with regret, but instead full of fears faced.
Life is scary. Taking risks is scary. Bad things have happened in the past that we don’t want to relive.
And yet, it’s coming to terms with the knowledge of our Child hidden Within that makes us come fully alive.
There is a very fine line between excitement and anxiety. The only difference being anxiety has a negative perception of the future outcome and excitement has a positive anticipation for the future outcome.
So what if it were true that what we are waiting for is to realise that part of ourself that is doing the waiting is hidden inside ourselves?
What if you didn’t need approval or the blessing of someone or something outside yourself?
If that were true, what would our Child Within be doing right now?
The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.
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