Now after a time in self-help recovery we will have become masters of dissociation.We will have become the Hedge Farmers.UPDATED
Now after a time in self-help recovery we will have become masters of dissociation. Despite still clinging to a philosophy and self that are full of holes, We will practice the art of self-help recovery. We will have pretended to be going deep inside the root of our being but in reality will just practice splitting off and making it look fancy. We will talk to God in prayer but have no idea who God really is, and We will listen to God in meditation and not be able to realise that we are ignoring the deepest and most basic essences of our child within. We will be lost and will now have the beautiful capacity to delude ourself into thinking that we are almost home cut of from the normease of society in our own abnormal bubble of unreality! We will have become the Hedge Farmers constantly trimming our outside consciousness without tackling the deep rooted disease of our dissociate behaviours
The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.
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