The stages dream work is humbling
The stages dream work is truly humbling. Life makes it so easy for us to become arrogant and grandiose, to feel we’re on a higher plane than others. By studying our dreams in depth, we cannot avoid seeing ourselves in the humble light of our own vulnerabilities and ancient unmet childhood needs.Dream-work helps us see that these needs are nothing to be ashamed of and are not our fault, but the fault of our past caretakers, our limited parents, who could not meet them adequately, and sometimes actively stunted them. By owning up to our still-living ancient needs, those anachronistic remnants of our past, we have much less need to pathologise the comparable unmet needs in those we interact with in life. dream analysis helps us see, in the most powerful of ways, just how incredibly similar we are to everyone else on this planet, from the sickest to the healthiest.
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