Title: The ten stages bolsters our deep optimism like nothing we’ve ever experienced before.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5
Studying our Ten Stages can be painful, frustrating, time-consuming – and, slowly but surely, liberating. It gives us headaches sometime...
Studying our Ten Stages can be painful, frustrating, time-consuming – and, slowly but surely, liberating. It gives us headaches sometimes, makes us grieve a lot, makes us see sick and nasty sides of ourself, reminds of things that happened to us and things we’ve done that we’d often rather forget, sometimes makes us afraid to sleep, and it doesn’t always make it easy for others, especially others who are avoiding going deep into themselves, to get close to us, because the energy and consequences of healing, again, are catching. And yet the ten stages bolsters our deep optimism like nothing we’ve ever experienced before. We have gained through our studies a more consistent and fresh empathy for other students regarding their projections, resistances, inner torments, struggles, self-hatreds, and self-doubts.
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