Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Are we living our life reacting to old traumatic wounds from our childhood?
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Are we living our life reacting to old traumatic wounds from our childhood? Old wounds that keep us telling ourself that we are never good ...
Are we living our life reacting to old traumatic wounds from our childhood? Old wounds that keep us telling ourself that we are never good enough, smart enough, worthy enough, beautiful enough, or perfect enough?

Take twenty minutes to be within ourself and connect with our Child Within. Your Child Within has always been with us but has shut down long ago. our Child Within is the expression of us that is free, innocent, playful and lovable. our Child Within has been cast adrift  but longs for our recognition, protection and for us to understand our duty of care for her, or him.

When we spend time with our Child Within (even for just
five minutes a day), we may notice that we stop rejecting ourself with negative mind chatter.

Become the loving, accepting friend to our Child Within and watch as our life re-births in miraculous ways.


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