One of our great gifts is that we have free will.
But our free will boils down to a very simple choice: we can choose to connect to our child within or not.
The child within is where we came from. The perfect child within is who we are and returning to our child in all its various forms is our destiny. Like a seed, we have full potential within us; when we plant ourselves in the soil of recovery and water our potential and life with Faith, we begin to step into and realise that potential.
And just like the seed, we express in perfect time – not all at once, but over time.
One of our intentions in life is to be so nestled into the arms of child within that we are fully relaxed and present in every moment. When we live our life from a place of ego and needing significance in order to feel worthy, we would chase and chase and chase for every little reward.
Finally, after a whole lot of chasing and not very much reward and a very unhealthy body, we just gave it up. And we asked The Child Within to take over and show us who we are, who we are not and how to step into the abundance and recovery we so eagerly desire.
That contact sounds nice, but it’s a humbling process that usually means our world is going to flip upside down before it starts to really rock.
If our goal is to trust The Child Within, to live Its will for your life and to be used up by trust and honesty so at the end of your life you have FULLY expressed and given every last DROP of your purpose, then everything that has your power that is NOT in alignment with that Path must be challenged and uprooted. There is no other way.
So if you want to live your purpose with Faith, everything that is not your purpose will begin to shift away and leave your life – that is, unless you resist, and then life gets stagnant.
When we detach from the form, we give recovery room to work to create the EXPERIENCES we truly desire.
When we use our free will to connect to the energy of the child and allow recovery to work through it, the form of our life will begin to change. It’s scary at first, but what’s scariest of all is getting to the end of our life with fear and regret.
If you choose to connect to the child within, you will be challenged. You will be asked to face your fears. You will be asked to be humbled. And then you will be lifted by the wings of the child within who is ready to help you fly because you now take yourself lightly.
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