We have had traumatic experiences and, based on those experiences, our child within has decide that ALL of life is hostile. And we have have to constantly replay the trauma within our lives to get to a resolution. Until we can accept that the only resolution we can seek is that all life is not hostile we remain stuck frozen in time. Our time machine ceases to operate We live in denial of the possible painful and negative outcomes of life. Lost in a locked room.
But the key is not to get stuck there and not to generalise all of life based on a few experiences. We have to unlock the door to our old playroom in which we sheltered. This starts with compassion for the child within us. We unlock with the tools of loving-kindness.
one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves is this:
“Do I live on a friendly planet or a hostile planet?”
This is a fundamental question. Your answer to this question will determine greatly how you view, react, respond to and ultimately experience your life in recovery.
If we see our planet as hostile, it’s a COMPLETELY different world than if we see our planet as friendly. Many of us lived a life where we thought our planet was friendly UNTIL something happened… and then, based on that event, we decided that we were wrong and that our planet was hostile.
Obviously we must learn from our past and not make the same mistakes. Learning is why we are here and how we can grow. But the key is to not get stuck on ONE event from the past that may have caused us a lot of pain. At the stages we reintroduce ourselves back into our world we defrost the child within
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