Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: A common wayward path that many people take with recovery is to assume a façade of normalcy and family conformity.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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 Unconsciously we employ the fantasy that Prince or Princess Charming will save us from all that was wrong in our past, especially our den...
 Unconsciously we employ the fantasy that Prince or Princess Charming will save us from all that was wrong in our past, especially our denied childhood needs.  This imperfect partner becomes the object of magical rescue or, in time, if the fantasy of magical rescue wears thin, of murderous revenge.
A common wayward path that many people take with recovery is to assume a façade of normalcy and family conformity.  While all is well on the surface, turmoil roils beneath the surface of their complacent life.  The denied traumas of childhood do not go away, but manifest discretely in emotional compromise, stunted creativity, depression, damaged children, addictions of various sorts, and physical and emotional illness.  These all exist to mute our denied feelings and wounds of our child within.
We must undergo extensive healing of childhood despair—which we all carry—to not play out our damage in our recovery.  Yet in a world full of compromised liars who make up the norm it is a great comfort and aid to seek truth with an evolved other.  With strong boundaries at our side we often can find great value in co-travelers of our child within—be they friends or perhaps even more intimate companions—who remind us that our journey is real and that our goal is not to conform to the comforts of fellowship sleep, but to grow into consciousness and to fulfil the perfection planted in us at the birth of our child within.


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