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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: When we become tuned in emotionally to child withins feelings, and learn to validate our child's perceptions
Author: Fraser Trevor
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When we become tuned in emotionally to child withins feelings, and learn to validate our child's perceptions, our inner child then s...
A smiling baby lying in a soft cot (furniture).
When we become tuned in emotionally to child withins feelings, and learn to validate our child's perceptions, our inner child then starts to grow up learning to trust its own feelings which eliminates the crippling self-doubt that comes from narcissistic parenting. Here’s a simple checklist to help you get started:
Identify the feeling your child within is having.
Reflect back the feeling you are hearing or seeing to make sure you are correct to your own intuitive voice.Is this why I feel like this always.... Don’t make numbing assumptions.
Give validation of the feeling. Empathise with your child within.
Then deal with the context of what is going on now are we in an abusive presence and how is that effecting us are we angry, sad withdrawn of frightened.
We all want to be seen and heard. Empathy is what develops true emotional intimacy with our child within. Empathy is important for our child to learn for creating future healthy relationships, as well. Empathising with our child within does not mean that you allow it to manipulate you or always get its way. It just means you work to understand the feelings, and we let it know how important that is to us to finally listen to its intuitive, empathetic voice within..


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